Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me learn. Hi this is for a psychology lab called neuropsychology which you’ll be using MATLAB with the attached file called (CD2010) to answer the questions under the instruction by the instructor below which contains all the instruction for the MATLAB software […]
Discipline: Psychology
autism spectrum disordersautism spectrum disorders
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology report and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. In your opinion, is autism a disorder or a form of neurodiversity? If it is a disorder, can it be cured? Should it be cured? What might be some possible causes for the dramatic increase in the […]
Fixing my discussion questionFixing my discussion question
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn. I had a discussion that i posted as a question. The tutor did not include two out of the 3 required questions to answer in the discussion. I put the discussion that was written in the attachement, as well […]
psy 301 lab 4psy 301 lab 4
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn. It’s an SPSS assignment so you will need to enter the data and analyze the data. Here’s the PPT with the steps on it. And the link for the SPSS is https://e5.onthehub.com/WebStore/ProductsByMajorVe…. I will provide the account if you […]
Answer the lab short answer questions using the instruction and the material provided.Answer the lab short answer questions using the instruction and the material provided.
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me learn. Hi this is for a psychology lab called neuropsychology which you’ll be using MATLAB with the attached file called (CD2010) to answer the questions under the instruction by the instructor below which contains all the instruction for the MATLAB software […]
psy 301 lab 6psy 301 lab 6
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn. It’s a lab paper on how cell phone use affects crossing the street. You have to write a full research paper as the requirement I uploaded. here’s the background article https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/… If you need any more information I can […]
week 4 assignweek 4 assign
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need support to help me learn. Mental Illness and the Media have you been reminded of anyone that you suspect might be diagnosed into one of the personality disorder categories such as: Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizoid/Schizotypal Personality Disorder Antisocial, Borderline Histrionic Narcissistic Dependent, or Obsessive-Compulsive? […]
week 4 discweek 4 disc
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need support to help me learn. consider and answer these questions: How does rambunctious behavior in a child differ from behavior seen in a child with ADHD of the combined type? Are any symptoms of ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, or conduct disorder perhaps “normal” for […]
PSY2050 Case StudyPSY2050 Case Study
Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology case study and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Case Study #1: Answer in APA format only on the reference page. Podcast Case File: Case 140 Richmond Hill https://casefilepodcast.com/case-140-richmond-hill… Question #1: Please briefly summarize this movie/podcast. In your summation make sure to include its release […]
bonus questionbonus question
Child and Teen Firearm Mortality in the U.S. and Peer CountriesFirearms recently became the number one cause of death for children in the United States, surpassing motor vehicle deaths and those caused by other injuries. This brief examines how gun violence an…KFF Answer one or more of these questions: 1) How does the US differ […]