Discipline: Psychology

Counting, Recording, and Graphing Behavior Counting, Recording, and Graphing BehaviorCounting, Recording, and Graphing Behavior Counting, Recording, and Graphing Behavior

This discussion comes in 3 parts. In 400 or more, discuss in an essay format the following: Discuss why it is essential to count, record, and graph behavior and why it is crucial to establish a baseline before implementing an intervention. Discuss the four types of baseline patterns and their implications for implementing and evaluating […]

whether changes over time within the discipline of psychology (i.e., psychological research questions, methods, theories, etc.) are connected with changes over time within society (i.e., politically, economically, socially, etc.)whether changes over time within the discipline of psychology (i.e., psychological research questions, methods, theories, etc.) are connected with changes over time within society (i.e., politically, economically, socially, etc.)

The topic is unknown, I provided an overview of the paper you can check it, and all details are included.  This paper is based on the book Leahey, T. H. (2017). A history of psychology : From antiquity to modernity. Taylor & Francis Group. You can cite this book’s content, but it just contributes one […]

After watching the documentary please write a two (2)-three (3) paragraph …NO LONGER THAN THAT…reflection about what you saw in the video. Specifically, your reflection should include a discussion addressing the following:After watching the documentary please write a two (2)-three (3) paragraph …NO LONGER THAN THAT…reflection about what you saw in the video. Specifically, your reflection should include a discussion addressing the following:

Watch the following Mental Madhouse documentary (if you are unable to watch it here, the link has been provided seperately beneath this assignment).The video is approximaely an hour long and some images may be disturbing.   https://youtu.be/scbGInspWsA?list=PLfQvobxXxpd3ejV0z1lpHttMODnf337xW     After watching the documentary please write a two (2)-three (3) paragraph …NO LONGER THAN THAT…reflection about what you […]

Please read attached pages from book and answer all 3 posts. Please follow all directions. Reference textbookPlease read attached pages from book and answer all 3 posts. Please follow all directions. Reference textbook

Book information: Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach, Eighth Edition David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, Stefan G. Hofmann Post 1: Initial posts:Should be at least 1 to 2 paragraphs in length and should consider content from other parts of the course when appropriate. Initial posts must be submitted by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. each week.Use proper APA […]

Today’s professional skills topics are interviews, thank yous, and dressing professionally. https://cape.buffalostate.edu/content/students/Interviews/Today’s professional skills topics are interviews, thank yous, and dressing professionally. https://cape.buffalostate.edu/content/students/Interviews/

Today’s professional skills topics are interviews, thank yous, and dressing professionally. https://cape.buffalostate.edu/content/students/Interviews/ Go on website and in one page single spaced talk about topics like interviews, thank yous and dressing professionally

demonstrate your understanding of concepts learned in this module by responding to the following prompt:demonstrate your understanding of concepts learned in this module by responding to the following prompt:

Pick an age: 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 22, 35, 50, or 75. Think of your own experience or the experiences of those you know at this age. Consider the major developmental theories you learned about in this module (psychosexual, psychosocial, cognitive, and moral), and apply them to the age of your choosing. Describe either […]

What are some ways in which suppression of an emotion might lead to a negative health outcome?What are some ways in which suppression of an emotion might lead to a negative health outcome?

What are some ways in which suppression of an emotion might lead to a negative health outcome? Provide and explain at least one example.  Responses should be well-informed and evident that you have read the material. Be sure to support your responses. A minimum of two sources (citations and references) are required for your initial post AND […]

Describe four things to consider when deciding whether a behavior is abnormal. Explain how psychological disorders are classified and diagnosed. Describe the causes of mental disorders and the importance of the stress-vulnerability model.Describe four things to consider when deciding whether a behavior is abnormal. Explain how psychological disorders are classified and diagnosed. Describe the causes of mental disorders and the importance of the stress-vulnerability model.

When determining if a behavior is abnormal, psychologists consider statistical abnormality, nonconformity, subjective discomfort, and if the behavior is maladaptive. Psychological problems are classified using the DSM-5, which is updated regularly. People can exhibit symptoms that fit more than one disorder. Mental illness is diagnosed by confirming the presence or absence of symptoms, which can be […]

Describe your personality based on the Big Five personality test. Next, describe the importance of understanding one’s personality as it relates to relationships with others.Describe your personality based on the Big Five personality test. Next, describe the importance of understanding one’s personality as it relates to relationships with others.

Personality psychologists have identified five fundamental dimensions of personality, known as the “Big 5” personality traits. These traits are extraversion (sometimes spelled extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism. Extraversion refers to sociability, agreeableness to kindness, openness to creativity and intrigue, conscientiousness to thoughtfulness, and neuroticism often involves sadness or emotional instability. You can gain insight […]

DSM Gallery Walk – Description of the DSM Criteria, Differential Diagnosis, & Dual DiagnosisDSM Gallery Walk – Description of the DSM Criteria, Differential Diagnosis, & Dual Diagnosis

**Vignette Attached-Borderline Personality Disorder** **Reference DSM-ICD-10-CM Code** Review the Six Steps to Better DSM5 Differential Diagnosis. ATTACHED PDF Review your vignette (ATTACHED PDF) and identify one other possible co-occurring disorder. Modify your vignette if necessary. In an APA Style paper provide a Summary with the following: Primary Diagnosis: Describe the primary diagnosis (BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER) for the case […]