Discipline: Psychology

Assessment 3 Instructions: Evaluation of Test Materials, Scoring, and TechnologyAssessment 3 Instructions: Evaluation of Test Materials, Scoring, and Technology

For this assessment, you will evaluate a selected test as being appropriate and meeting the intended purpose of the instrument, according to all elements of the Code. Note: Synthesizing the evaluation of test materials, scoring, and technology requires specific steps that must be carried out in a certain order. Therefore, you must complete the assessments […]

Write a 3-page paper on the topic of video games and aggressive or violent behavior, including a thesis, arguments to support your thesis, and evidence to support your arguments.Write a 3-page paper on the topic of video games and aggressive or violent behavior, including a thesis, arguments to support your thesis, and evidence to support your arguments.

For this assessment, you will write a paper that clearly states your thesis, introduces two or more arguments that support your thesis, and uses evidence to support your arguments. Remember that your thesis should be taking a stance on one side of the issue; your reader should be able to clearly be able to tell […]

how BCIs could be abused and recommendations for federal legislation to address the possible abuses.how BCIs could be abused and recommendations for federal legislation to address the possible abuses.

The year is 2030.  Ten years ago,  Alexandre Gonfalonieri authored an article in the Harvard Business Review called “What Brain Computer Interfaces Could Mean for the Future of Work”.  In it, he discussed research being done on brain computer interfaces (BCI) and how advances in the field could dramatically alter the future of work, particularly in […]

ethical and professional guidelines and issues that pertain specifically to psychological testing and assessmentethical and professional guidelines and issues that pertain specifically to psychological testing and assessment

Briefly summarize at least 4 key ethical and professional guidelines and issues that pertain specifically to psychological testing and assessment. One of these areas must include test security. Please also include a brief self-reflection paragraph sharing your thoughts and opinions pertaining to this topic. Please use resources other than just your textbook. Resources that you might find helpful […]

view of childhood has varied during different historical time periods and cultural contextsview of childhood has varied during different historical time periods and cultural contexts

Respond to the following:  The view of childhood has varied during different historical time periods and cultural contexts. Explore these variations by using the internet to locate and review materials covering the topics listed below: John Locke’s advice to parents Rousseau’s philosophy of child-rearing and Emile Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny Baby Biographies The “girdle and chain” […]

Which theory of gender socialization presented in the text seems most applicable to what you see in the real world? Give some examples from your own experience of gender socialization.Which theory of gender socialization presented in the text seems most applicable to what you see in the real world? Give some examples from your own experience of gender socialization.

Question:  Which theory of gender socialization presented in the text seems most applicable to what you see in the real world? Give some examples from your own experience of gender socialization. MUST USE REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society Mary Ann Lamanna, Agnes Riedmann, & Susan Stewart, 2017Cengage Learning ISBN.13: […]

Wk 3 – Summative Assessment: The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Instruction and Learning [due Mon]Wk 3 – Summative Assessment: The Role of Attention and Working Memory in Instruction and Learning [due Mon]

Exam Content In this assignment, you will apply learning theory to practical everyday living and the acquisition of new information in a job setting. For example, you may have to learn a new technology at your workplace and maintain competency in your job skills and knowledge. Taking on a new career comes with much excitement […]

Wk 3 Discussion – Attention and Difficulty [due Thurs] Wk 3 Discussion – Attention and DifficultyWk 3 Discussion – Attention and Difficulty [due Thurs] Wk 3 Discussion – Attention and Difficulty

Choose one scenario from the following list and decide how difficult or easy it would be to do both at the same time and why. Apply a real-world experience where you may have experienced this difficulty. Apply learning theory/constructs in your rationale (e.g., Broadbent’s filter model of attention, attenuation model of attention, late selection model, […]

Read Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and HippocratesRead Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and Hippocrates

Read Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and Hippocrates Essays should be at least 3 pages and in APA format.  Essays should include citations from at least 3 scholarly sources.  Other than scholarly sources may be used, eg.., University blogs, news articles, encyclopedia entries, and other online […]

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformitySelect 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity. Like the social experiments you studied, the event you choose should also raise questions of ethics. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: Compare […]