Discipline: Psychology

Read Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and HippocratesRead Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and Hippocrates

Read Rae, Chapter 7: Biotechnology and Compare/contrast perspectives of morality and ethical reasoning between Epicurus and Hippocrates Essays should be at least 3 pages and in APA format.  Essays should include citations from at least 3 scholarly sources.  Other than scholarly sources may be used, eg.., University blogs, news articles, encyclopedia entries, and other online […]

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformitySelect 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity. Like the social experiments you studied, the event you choose should also raise questions of ethics. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: Compare […]

psychological theories of development, stages of development, and mental health issues and biopsychosocial factors.psychological theories of development, stages of development, and mental health issues and biopsychosocial factors.

Assignment Guidelines Your assignment should be at least 20 slides, not including the title and reference slides, and should include the following elements: Title slide: Provide your name, presentation title, course, and date. Body: Answer all the questions, reflecting appropriate personal and professional insights. Reference slide: Include at least six sources listed in APA format. […]

To what extent does narcissism in adolescents have an effect on their self-esteem?To what extent does narcissism in adolescents have an effect on their self-esteem?

The essay must be 3500+ words but no more than 4000, not counting the work cited page. Not plagiarism and no AI generated text. This is a psychology paper so all evidence must be psychological studies (2013-2023, academic journals and peer reviewed) related to the topic, there shouldn’t be too many, just enough to get […]

Article Critique – Association between childhood trauma and risk for obesity: a putative neurocognitive developmental pathwayArticle Critique – Association between childhood trauma and risk for obesity: a putative neurocognitive developmental pathway

** THIS IS AN ARTICLE CRITIQUE ** PDF OF ARTICLE IS ATTACHED/INCLUDED ** –> Questions and/or information to address in the critique/each section is below: Abstract/Introduction  1. What was the purpose of the study? Was there a clear statement of the purpose and aims of the research? Provide a rationale for your response.  2. Did […]

The environmental problems we experience today threaten our quality of life and will continue to do so unless changes can be made. How can environmental psychology help to move the world toward sustainable patterns?The environmental problems we experience today threaten our quality of life and will continue to do so unless changes can be made. How can environmental psychology help to move the world toward sustainable patterns?

The environmental problems we experience today threaten our quality of life and will continue to do so unless changes can be made. How can environmental psychology help to move the world toward sustainable patterns?  Must have at least one citation with accompanying reference following APA format (while you may use your textbook, your postings must […]

Watch a movie or 2–3 episodes of a TV show, web serial, or vlog released within the past year that features an adolescent character or content creator.Watch a movie or 2–3 episodes of a TV show, web serial, or vlog released within the past year that features an adolescent character or content creator.

Analyze the movie, TV show, or other content, creating a case study that moves beyond simply summarizing the issues presented by an adolescent character and instead applies developmental theories to explain psychosocial problems. Organize your assignment with paragraphs that include a thesis statement and supporting details as well as transitional sentences. See the Writing CenterLinks to […]

think critically about the current diagnostic system and the medical model of mental illness.think critically about the current diagnostic system and the medical model of mental illness.

Select a celebrity or other famous person who has been diagnosed with a disorder listed in the DSM-5-TR. Describe the diagnosis, discussing and citing each criterion from the DSM-5-TR that the client fits and does not fit for that diagnosis. Analyze their quality of life as someone with this disorder: How has the disorder impeded their success? How […]

critical thinking ; Health Psychology challenges the assumptions underlying the biomedical model.critical thinking ; Health Psychology challenges the assumptions underlying the biomedical model.

Essay title: Health Psychology challenges the assumptions underlying the biomedical modl   Introduction  • Provide a brief introduction around the area e.g. biomedical and biopsychosocial model.  Briefly describe both models.  • The most dominant model in explaining the disease, was the biomedical model, emergences of new approaches like Health Psychology provided a framework for understanding […]

Contemporary counselling practice for depression management is not all about FreudContemporary counselling practice for depression management is not all about Freud

Discuss You can approach this essay in any way that you like, including the effectiveness of types of therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy in comparison to psychodynamic applications or any other way you feel appropriate. I would like to see you find at least two journal articles (using Google scholar to find these, for […]