Discipline: Psychology

Social Binding: Social binding leads to faster processing, spatial distortion and enhanced memory of interacting partners.Social Binding: Social binding leads to faster processing, spatial distortion and enhanced memory of interacting partners.

The lab report is based from this research paper:  Vestner , Tipper, Hartley, Over, & Shirley Ann (2019). Bound together: Social binding leads to faster processing, spatial distoriton , and enhanced memory of interacting partners. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General – Research is replicated on Experiment 2 only (with some modification)  – Results will be […]

Your outline should: Include at least two credible sources, with accompanying citations and references. Indicate the presentation aides and technology to be used and explain how they will help persuade your audience.Your outline should: Include at least two credible sources, with accompanying citations and references. Indicate the presentation aides and technology to be used and explain how they will help persuade your audience.

There are two parts to this assignment. First, develop your persuasive speech outline for your TEDTalk or Shark Tank presentation. Your outline should: Include at least two credible sources, with accompanying citations and references. Indicate the presentation aides and technology to be used and explain how they will help persuade your audience. For help formatting […]

this assignment is to apply Positive Psychology factors to your life. You will conducting a personal experiment. You taking a pre-test. Then, you will choose one practice (Gratitiude, Meaning, or MIndfulness). The paper will consist of your researrchthis assignment is to apply Positive Psychology factors to your life. You will conducting a personal experiment. You taking a pre-test. Then, you will choose one practice (Gratitiude, Meaning, or MIndfulness). The paper will consist of your researrch

The purpose of this assignment is to apply Positive Psychology factors to your life. You will conducting a personal experiment. You will begin by taking a pre-test (see below). Then, you will choose one practice (Gratitiude, Meaning, or MIndfulness) and do it daily while keeping a journal (the journal could be notes on your phone […]

Reaction Piece on Seligman, M. & Hager J., “Biological Boundaries of Learning: The Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome”Reaction Piece on Seligman, M. & Hager J., “Biological Boundaries of Learning: The Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome”

Reaction Piece on Seligman, M. & Hager J., “Biological Boundaries of Learning: The Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome”  Task: Summarize the main evolutionary psychological points made by the author(s) and provide your general impressions of the work (e.g., which points you found most compelling and/or interesting and why). Must be two–pages long (double–spaced), with one–inch margins, and in […]

List and describe the three different facets of loneliness identified by Cacioppo and others (2015).List and describe the three different facets of loneliness identified by Cacioppo and others (2015).

MUST use references from textbook “Social Psychology” by Saul Kassin, 2020. Also, please use at least one other source. The goal is to read and analyze the textbook and other source(s) to draw your own conclusion. In reference to citations, The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned […]

Explain cognitive dissonance. Describe and give an example of five different techniques that one could use to overcome cognitive dissonance.Explain cognitive dissonance. Describe and give an example of five different techniques that one could use to overcome cognitive dissonance.

MUST use references from textbook “Social Psychology” by Saul Kassin, 2020. Also, please use at least one other source. The goal is to read and analyze the textbook and other source(s) to draw your own conclusion. In reference to citations, The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned […]

thesis: Research question: How do Black college student’s cultural meaning making around financial stress mediate the relationship financial stressors and depression/suicide?thesis: Research question: How do Black college student’s cultural meaning making around financial stress mediate the relationship financial stressors and depression/suicide?

I need help applying the feedback provided on the attached document to rewrite my paper and help shape my Thesis concept. I need help finding measures for each of my construct (depression, suicidality, cultural meaning making, and financial stress). I have 6 theories that I am looking to incorporate but I think my mentor clarifies […]

Examine the six mechanisms of self-enhancement. Explain how these mechanisms bolster the self-concept.Examine the six mechanisms of self-enhancement. Explain how these mechanisms bolster the self-concept.

Note on citations: The majority of your response should be your own original writing based on what you have learned from the textbook. Be sure to provide a citation and a reference for any materials used, including the required textbook. The following points are designed to help you understand how to provide proper citations and references for your […]