Discipline: Psychology

For this annotated bibliography assignment, you will need to locate at least 5 relevant articles from Keiser’s online library.For this annotated bibliography assignment, you will need to locate at least 5 relevant articles from Keiser’s online library.

se the following list to search and find five different psychology articles for your annotated bibliography. These will help prepare you for writing your paper because some of these may end up being the same articles that you draw information from for your final paper. Consider that as you look for the articles. Gratitude Mindfulness […]

How can sport psychology help within the black youth and how will we imply our love for basketball to psychology .How can sport psychology help within the black youth and how will we imply our love for basketball to psychology .

instructions are in the attachments , I’d like to pinpoint and put an emphasis on the topic which is sport psychology in the black community. I want my research question to revolve around what is the stereotype of psychology in the black community and how can we change it and give it a different outlook […]

The role of parental anxiety sensitivity and beliefs about child anxiety in the relationship between parent and child anxiety.The role of parental anxiety sensitivity and beliefs about child anxiety in the relationship between parent and child anxiety.

Manley, S., & Francis, S. (2022). The role of parental anxiety sensitivity and beliefs about child anxiety in the relationship between parent and child anxiety. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 44(1), 125-138. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-021-09937-5  this is the article to read 1. Who is/are the author(s) of the article?2. What year was this article published?3. What […]

critically analyse the literature as it relates to the use of online social networking sites for both older and younger people and how this may relate to overall wellbeing.critically analyse the literature as it relates to the use of online social networking sites for both older and younger people and how this may relate to overall wellbeing.

Research has found that the use of online social networking sites is an increasingly popular forum for disclosing and sharing personal information, building social capital, and developing and maintaining relationships. However, older people generally text, tweet, and stream less than younger people. Compared with emerging adults, older adults own fewer computers, are less connected to […]

What are the factors contributing to the rise in fentanyl-related overdoses, and what harm reduction strategies can be implemented to address this public health crisis?What are the factors contributing to the rise in fentanyl-related overdoses, and what harm reduction strategies can be implemented to address this public health crisis?

the work that you put into Milestone activities 1 and 2 was essentially laying the groundwork for the introduction and methods portions of your final research proposal.  For this milestone, go back to those two assignments and merge them together and format them in accordance with APA guidelines.  Be sure to include a title page, […]

Compare and Contrast Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior TherapyCompare and Contrast Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy

For this paper, you will compare and contrast Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy and Cognitive Behavior Therapy. I want you to think critically about the information that you read in order to synthesize your readings and demonstrate your understanding of these theories. In your analysis, please include the following and use these as your APA 7 […]

Choose a psychological disorder that was covered in the reading and research the disorder.Choose a psychological disorder that was covered in the reading and research the disorder.

Choose a psychological disorder that was covered in the reading and research the disorder. Find at least four scientific articles that cover the disorder. Also make sure to use information from the assigned readings. The paper should be 2-3 pages long, double-spaced. In this paper, you will need to include the following:IntroductionDisorder Description (symptoms, prevalence, […]

Summative Assessment: Clinical Assessment and Case Conceptualization of Personality DisordersSummative Assessment: Clinical Assessment and Case Conceptualization of Personality Disorders

Exam Content Therapists can practice observing behaviors and recognizing pathologies by studying individuals in nonclinical settings. Fictional characters frequently portray a variety of behaviors that can be assessed using clinical methods to practice diagnosis and case conceptualization. Choose a character from a movie, television show, or fictional story with a possible personality disorder. You may use any […]

Using the NHS and your local community as your institutional, cultural and social context, write an essay responding to the following statement: “Collective well-being depends on building collective resilience”Using the NHS and your local community as your institutional, cultural and social context, write an essay responding to the following statement: “Collective well-being depends on building collective resilience”

Assessment Task Using the NHS and your local community as your institutional, cultural and social context, write an essay responding to the following statement: “Collective well-being depends on building collective resilience” Assessment Guidance: Within the written response, draw on relevant literature to define and explain the role that the NHS and your local community play […]