Discipline: Psychology

Women or Diversity Experiential Reflection Paper “Legislating History 100 Years of Women in Congress”Women or Diversity Experiential Reflection Paper “Legislating History 100 Years of Women in Congress”

This assignment is an experiential reflection paper (event summary reflection). It should be a typed one-page minimum (double-spaced) summary for a program about women or diversity —- Specifically: “Legislating History 100 Years of Women in Congress” Use website below for reference:  https://www.womenshistory.org/exhibits/legislating-history From: National Women’s History Museum website. 

Summative Assessment: Power, Persuasion, Obedience, Conformity, and Social RolesSummative Assessment: Power, Persuasion, Obedience, Conformity, and Social Roles

Select 1 of the social experiments that you read about this week (Zimbardo, Asch, Milgram) and identify a current event or situation that similarly illustrates obedience and conformity. Like the social experiments you studied, the event you choose should also raise questions of ethics. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the following: Compare and contrast the experiment you selected with the […]

How does parenting style influence the development of eating disorders in adolescents?How does parenting style influence the development of eating disorders in adolescents?

I have the annotated bibliograpy completed (see attached)…however, my instructor would like me to include – four articles regarding Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory including ou thus need four articles addressing theMicrosystem, mesosystem, ecosystem, and chronosystem.  Then she wants us to  After each citation, include a summary of the article (which I have already done) but also how […]

Please state your chosen topic. What makes your chosen topic important? Why have you chosen this topic for your research?Please state your chosen topic. What makes your chosen topic important? Why have you chosen this topic for your research?

Please state your chosen topic. What makes your chosen topic important? Why have you chosen this topic for your research? Requirements for the Autism Research Paper (Consider these instructions as you progress through the four parts of the research paper). These are the final instructions for the submission of your research paper which you will […]

‘Neuropsychology offers the only suitable way to study human memory.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from biological and cognitive psychology.‘Neuropsychology offers the only suitable way to study human memory.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from biological and cognitive psychology.

EMA Part 1 For this part of the EMA you should write an essay with the title below. Title: ‘Neuropsychology offers the only suitable way to study human memory.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from biological and cognitive psychology. For your essay, you must draw on material from Weeks 3 and 4 of […]

‘In psychology, studying personal experience should be more important than measuring traits and abilities.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from social psychology and the psychology of individual differences.‘In psychology, studying personal experience should be more important than measuring traits and abilities.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from social psychology and the psychology of individual differences.

EMA Part 2 For this part of the EMA you should write an essay with the title below. Title: ‘In psychology, studying personal experience should be more important than measuring traits and abilities.’ Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from social psychology and the psychology of individual differences. You must draw on evidence from […]

collaborative learning activity – Initial post: Discuss the differences between the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural theories of mental health and psychopathology, taking into account historical and cultural factors.collaborative learning activity – Initial post: Discuss the differences between the psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioural theories of mental health and psychopathology, taking into account historical and cultural factors.

After the tutor has opened the discussion with a post, students are required to offer an initial post that demonstrates their answer to the question. (The response for the peers I will order again when the initial posts will be posted)

Imagine you’ve been asked to evaluate an organization’s marketing practices. After your evaluation is complete, you must present your findings to the organization’s board of directors.Imagine you’ve been asked to evaluate an organization’s marketing practices. After your evaluation is complete, you must present your findings to the organization’s board of directors.

We often aren’t aware of how much influence attitudes and norms of our social environments have on our views, preferences, and decisions until we take a closer look. Studying social psychology aims to better understand the interchange between our social environment and our personal development. This assessment invites you to conduct a simple observational study […]