Discipline: Psychology

Ethics-find, post, and discuss the portrayal of a therapist. You can post a video clip (though a clip is great if available) or just describe and discuss a TV show or movie where a therapist is portrayed as crossing one of the boundariesEthics-find, post, and discuss the portrayal of a therapist. You can post a video clip (though a clip is great if available) or just describe and discuss a TV show or movie where a therapist is portrayed as crossing one of the boundaries

Over the next few weeks we will discuss inappropriate relationships, boundaries, that therapists shouldn’t cross. One of the things that has always bothered me in the way TV, movies, books, etc. portray therapists is that it seems that everyone is crossing some boundary somewhere. Your exercise this week is to find, post, and discuss the portrayal of […]

You will be required to break one of the assigned texts (including readings and films) for that week down to assess its main argument, organizational structure, and types of evidence it uses (AOE).You will be required to break one of the assigned texts (including readings and films) for that week down to assess its main argument, organizational structure, and types of evidence it uses (AOE).

Response post 1: Argument:  What is the main point the author is trying to convey to the reader? Another way you can think about this question is: what is the main/central idea or thesis? What is the author’s goal or purpose? What does the author want you to take away from reading this piece? Minimum […]

Listen to a podcast show, watch a video; the guest/speaker/author/researcher/interviewee must be an expert on a topic write two page sigle space margin paper about itListen to a podcast show, watch a video; the guest/speaker/author/researcher/interviewee must be an expert on a topic write two page sigle space margin paper about it

Find a podcast, video, or documentary with the host being an expert on a topic related to the field of psychology that you are interested in. Once that’s done write two page single space. Go in depth and explain why this topic intrest you and if you seen it before? Apply the theories you learned […]

Can serial dependence studies provide new insight into perceptual abilities and how perceptual processes differ in particular groups?Can serial dependence studies provide new insight into perceptual abilities and how perceptual processes differ in particular groups?

 THE ESSAY QUESTION: Can serial dependence studies provide new insight into perceptual abilities and how perceptual processes differ in particular groups? You should take a position in relation to that question in your essay. Use following context to address the question: 1. Describe serial dependence and Alexi’s serial dependence based approach to studying body size […]

Explore the impact of workplace stress on the psychological well-being of employees and their productivity.Explore the impact of workplace stress on the psychological well-being of employees and their productivity.

First, collect potential peer-reviewed resources. Then summarize the literature in a three page paper in which you integrate the literature relevant to your research questions or intervention. Be sure to include the critical elements listed below. Develop well-formed research questions or a relevant intervention. Explain the significance of these things within the field of psychology. Explain the significance of your […]

Navigating therapeutic alliances in Family Therapy while balancing boundaries and collaboration.Navigating therapeutic alliances in Family Therapy while balancing boundaries and collaboration.

Overall Topic: The Theraputic Alliance Paper should be written using APA format and style standards.  Do not use direct quotations in this paper. Paraphrase your sources to demonstrate your understanding of the material and cite these sources properly. Papers with direct quotations may be dropped a letter grade. Listing a source on the reference page […]

the books will be put into a picture in the file section You can choose between three books to write the books will be put into a picture in the file sectionthe books will be put into a picture in the file section You can choose between three books to write the books will be put into a picture in the file section

this book report is broken down into two components One will summarize the topic of the book and key characters in one to two paragraphs and part two will contain a reaction on the book you read the second part of your paper is where you can critically evaluate the work of the author, provide […]

Using your textbook and other resources, write an essay about each of these topicsUsing your textbook and other resources, write an essay about each of these topics

Write essay for each of these topics. Discuss the differences between the biopsychosocial model and health psychology. Explain the impact of stress on the human body and how habits, lifestyles and overall general health impact a person’s well-being. Discuss the effects and risks of narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, hallucinogens, marijuana and Ecstasy (MDMA) on a person.   […]

Informed Consent Reaction to classmate post-review chapter upload and provide peer reviewed counseling journals no more than 10 years old.Informed Consent Reaction to classmate post-review chapter upload and provide peer reviewed counseling journals no more than 10 years old.

Instructions-write. response post to classmate’s discussion post  Two scholarly references peer reviewed journal counseling articles. APA 7th edition    Book is: Welfel, E.R. (2015). Ethics in counseling and psychotherapy (6th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.). Now think about the last time you went to a therapist, doctor, or dentist. To any medical person actually. And think about the idea of informed […]