Discipline: Psychology

Term Paper Assignment: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Developmental PsychologyTerm Paper Assignment: Exploration of a Professional Journal Article in Developmental Psychology

Find a recent research article from a scholarly journal in the field of developmental psychology. It must have been published less than 12 years ago. Be sure to select an article for which the full text is available. Actual journals for which full text is available include Advances in Cognitive Psychology, British Journal of Social Psychology, Journal of […]

Write a 3-5 page paper as a psychobiography of a famous person from the perspectives of 6 different personality psychologists, using the terminology each psychologist would use.Write a 3-5 page paper as a psychobiography of a famous person from the perspectives of 6 different personality psychologists, using the terminology each psychologist would use.

End of Semester Paper – Write a 3-5 page paper as a psychobiography of a famous person from the perspectives of 6 different personality psychologists, using the terminology each psychologist would use. They may compare and contrast different types of therapy – for example, different humanists’ approaches to therapy. example: I pick Kim Kardashian How would […]

Define child maltreatment.  Describe primary, secondary and tertiary forms of prevention of child maltreatment. If you had funds to support just oneform of prevention, which one would you fund and why?  What areas might you target in the prevention?Define child maltreatment.  Describe primary, secondary and tertiary forms of prevention of child maltreatment. If you had funds to support just oneform of prevention, which one would you fund and why?  What areas might you target in the prevention?

The assignment should be no longer than three double-spaced pages. The assignment is worth a maximum of 30 points.  Define child maltreatment.  Describe primary, secondary and tertiary forms of prevention of child maltreatment. If you had funds to support just oneform of prevention, which one would you fund and why?  What areas might you target in the prevention?

The Purpose and Passion of Work Please provide a summary analysis of this book. You should address each the following items in your summary:The Purpose and Passion of Work Please provide a summary analysis of this book. You should address each the following items in your summary:

(1) Describe the authors tone (example: Does he appear to be joyful, hurt, angry, confused…) (2) In your opinion, what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of the book? (3) In your opinion, what was the most surprising event, situation, or occurrence discussed in the book? (4) What appears to be the authors purpose for writing this book? […]

What are some ways that technology has saved you time but also put you in a time crunch? Has technology given you a lot of choices but, perhaps, too many choices?What are some ways that technology has saved you time but also put you in a time crunch? Has technology given you a lot of choices but, perhaps, too many choices?

The paradox of progress suggests that technology and progress bring both enrichment and difficulties into our lives. What are some ways that technology has saved you time but also put you in a time crunch? Has technology given you a lot of choices but, perhaps, too many choices? (H) Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment […]

Cognitive Development Activity for Adolescent Room: Board Games Involving Strategy and Problem Solving.Cognitive Development Activity for Adolescent Room: Board Games Involving Strategy and Problem Solving.

Describe the activity in some detail (provide more than just the name of the activity). Identify the specific concept from cognitive development theory that supports the use of this activity. Identify how the activity enhances cognitive development in the specific age group. Cognitive Development Activity for Adolescent Room: Board Games Involving Strategy and Problem Solving.  […]

character’s development across developmental stages based on the movie Boyhood (2014)character’s development across developmental stages based on the movie Boyhood (2014)

For the paper, you will discuss in more detail the 1`charater and 2 stages of development you chose to focus on in your paper outline. Please do not switch movies or characters at this point.  Include a brief introduction  This can include some very basic/brief information about the movie and character you chose to focus on. This should not […]

Define human development. List and define the different domains of human development (physical, cognitive, social and emotional). Provide an example of each of the domains and that that changes that occur within that domain across the lifespan.Define human development. List and define the different domains of human development (physical, cognitive, social and emotional). Provide an example of each of the domains and that that changes that occur within that domain across the lifespan.

Define human development. List and define the different domains of human development (physical, cognitive, social and emotional). Provide an example of each of the domains and that that changes that occur within that domain across the lifespan. You can use topics from the syllabus, the textbook, my list, or the chapter lecture notes. Check out […]

The mental health counseling therapeutic alliance as a determinant of success of client symptoms in substance abuse / addiction.The mental health counseling therapeutic alliance as a determinant of success of client symptoms in substance abuse / addiction.

My number 3213505003  Paper Requirements:(1) Format and length: The paper must be written in APA style (see below)It must be typed. You are to use 12 font (Times New Roman), and it is to be double-spaced. No big spaces between paragraphs or sections! Yes, punctuation and spelling count. Your paper must include a title page, […]

Noncontingent reinforcement (specifically attention), also known as fixed-time delivery of attention, implemented by teachersNoncontingent reinforcement (specifically attention), also known as fixed-time delivery of attention, implemented by teachers

The topic is “Noncontingent reinforcement (specifically attention) also known as fixed-time delivery of attention, implemented by teachers” The problem is: Providing positive reinforcement (attention) every five minutes may still be difficult to implement for teachers. Project problem statement: “The proposed study will examine the extent to which three different lean schedules of noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) […]