Discipline: Psychology

Some skills depend on right brain (color and shape recognition) whereas some depend on the left brain (numbers and words)Some skills depend on right brain (color and shape recognition) whereas some depend on the left brain (numbers and words)

 In addition to the group materials, students are encouraged to look for additional information. The purpose of the individual essay is to reflect what students have learned from the group project, the course materials, and the feedback of the presentation. The essay should consist of the following sections: [1] Introduction: What is the topic about? […]

Any question surrounding concepts of rewards and cost, and/or maintaining relationships topicAny question surrounding concepts of rewards and cost, and/or maintaining relationships topic

Finally, you will write a 10-12 page (at least 2700 words) research paper on a topic in intimate relationships that they want to explore in more detail. Your goal is to integrate theories, research, and discussion to answer a new and novel question. Narrow down your topic to your best abilities! Once you pick a […]

Can cognitive control training be used to make real-world changes in eating behaviour?Can cognitive control training be used to make real-world changes in eating behaviour?

Please write a speach on topic “Can cognitive control training be used to make real-world changes in eating behaviour?” Include  Summarize some of the research studies that have investigated the impact of cognitive control training on eating behavior. Discuss the potential mechanisms underlying the effects of cognitive control training on eating behavior, such as improved self-regulation […]

Person Centered Therapy Vs. Cognitive Therapy (Implications, similariites, differences)Person Centered Therapy Vs. Cognitive Therapy (Implications, similariites, differences)

Select a topic from any theory covered in this course. Post your idea to CANVAS in the Module 2 discussion board. Find five articles within the past five years pertaining to your topic. Make sure your articles are from scholarly sources such as professional journals; avoid articles from blogs or public interest websites. Submit your […]

You will observe (via video resource) child behavior and identify developmental concepts that are demonstrated in the video. Similar to how you have found media sources for discussion boards.You will observe (via video resource) child behavior and identify developmental concepts that are demonstrated in the video. Similar to how you have found media sources for discussion boards.

You will observe (via video resource) child behavior and identify developmental concepts that are demonstrated in the video. Similar to how you have found media sources for discussion boards. Objectives: Demonstrate your understanding and application of concepts related to physical, cognitive, and social and emotional factors impacting child development. Demonstrate your ability to identify and […]

Quntitative assignment containing 3 exercises with a), b), c) sections each around 500/600 words, BUT your part is only each c) section (a and b are done for you) each around 300-400 wordsQuntitative assignment containing 3 exercises with a), b), c) sections each around 500/600 words, BUT your part is only each c) section (a and b are done for you) each around 300-400 words

Description of Assessment   Quantitative Portfolio containing 3 exercies (this work does NOT require you to use SPPS for descriptive and inferential statistics, these are done for you and analysis is conducted, you have to just interpret the results and write up discussion section)
.   Content and detailed guidance.   Assignment: This portfolio of exercises […]

The Association Between Two Psychosocial Crisis Profile and Life Period on The Psychosocial Development for a Cohort of PSYC20008 University StudentsThe Association Between Two Psychosocial Crisis Profile and Life Period on The Psychosocial Development for a Cohort of PSYC20008 University Students

– I have written the “Method” and “Result”, please do not edit that and have a  look through it as that’s given by the lecterur – I wrote 2 paragraphs for my intro, do not edit that too, but do help me write  another 350 words into my intro (must be related to my results and […]

What are some reasons why people travel and how is it beneficial? How does traveling affect someone’s mental health? What effects does traveling have on the body and brain?What are some reasons why people travel and how is it beneficial? How does traveling affect someone’s mental health? What effects does traveling have on the body and brain?

The order of a psychological research paper includes: Title, Abstract, Introduction/Literature Review, Method, Results, Discussion, and a Reference Page. Abrtract must be 200 words  There will be a personal exmaple I will upload. 1. What is the independent variable and describe its levels (Please write 1 sentence)? 2. What is the dependent variable (please write […]

Article review 1: Implementation of Tele mental health services before COVID-19: Rapid umbrella review of systematic reviews.Article review 1: Implementation of Tele mental health services before COVID-19: Rapid umbrella review of systematic reviews.

General Instructions1. Begin with an APA formatted Title Page: Be sure it includes the course name, yourname, your instructor’s name, the institution’s name, and a running head.2. On the second page, begin with the article title at the top of the page. (This is standardAPA format)3. Next, include a one-page summary of the article. It […]