Discipline: Psychology

Module 3: Modifiable Risk Factors – Halt or Ameliorate Pathological Aging ProcessesModule 3: Modifiable Risk Factors – Halt or Ameliorate Pathological Aging Processes

This past week we learned about modifiable risk factors and how different risk factors may moderate the aging process. Behavioral changes can help to halt or ameliorate pathological processes during aging.  In a maximum of 2 pages (Times New Romans, 12pnt fond, 1.5 spacing), please address the following:  1. Explain preventative measures individuals can take […]

respond to discussion post and use apa in text citations and references from a journal or articlerespond to discussion post and use apa in text citations and references from a journal or article

Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder that I have been familiar with since I was in elementary school. It seems intense to know about this disorder at such a young age but it’s known that individuals can be diagnosed with the disorder early on in their lives. Anorexia Nervosa is a type of eating disorder where […]

Critically discuss the contribution of environmental research to the understanding of health illness and well being across the lifespan and critically evaluate psychological theory and research that examines the link between the enviroCritically discuss the contribution of environmental research to the understanding of health illness and well being across the lifespan and critically evaluate psychological theory and research that examines the link between the enviro

Critically discuss the contribution of the environmental research to the understanding of health illness and well being across the life span and critically evaluate psychological theory and research that examines the link between the environment health and well being. We are required to embark on a field trip to the natural and / or built. […]

Identify a learning theory that has influenced how you understand your own style of learning.Identify a learning theory that has influenced how you understand your own style of learning.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need support to help me learn. Prior to this assignment, review Modules 11.3, 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 13.1, and 13.3 of Kalat (2019), read the Instructor Guidance, and explore Hardiman’s (n.d.) Brain-Targeted Teaching Links to an external site. website. Reflect on theories of learning and memory, […]

Describe someone with a Depressive Disorder. Give examples to support your discussion of the topic. What are their key symptoms? Which other behavior patterns associated with this disorder might this person display? Suggest a course of treatmentDescribe someone with a Depressive Disorder. Give examples to support your discussion of the topic. What are their key symptoms? Which other behavior patterns associated with this disorder might this person display? Suggest a course of treatment

Write a minimum 3 page paper and include 4th page to cite your references using APA format. Paper must be typed (12 point times new Roman)  The first step in writing this paper is to form a thesis statement which is included in the introductory paragraph. A thesis statement organizes your paper by making an […]

Complete one mock case study and write a mock psychological consultation report on the character Tigger from Winnie The PoohComplete one mock case study and write a mock psychological consultation report on the character Tigger from Winnie The Pooh

To complete one mock case study and write a mock psychological consultation report.  Clinical description Describe why this child (Tigger) came to your attention. What are/were the concerning behaviours or circumstances that caused you to wonder about the child’s (Tigger’s) psychological functioning? Describe the child’s (Tigger) symptoms including their thoughts, feelings, behaviours, and physiological reactions. Include […]

Identify a concern or area of interest you have with social work and substance related problems. The focus of this paper can be related to practice, following a particular theory of addiction, addressing family issues, etc.Identify a concern or area of interest you have with social work and substance related problems. The focus of this paper can be related to practice, following a particular theory of addiction, addressing family issues, etc.

Students should identify a concern or area of interest they have with social work and substance related problems. The focus of this paper can be related to practice, following a particular theory of addiction, addressing family issues, working with co-occurring disorders or other special needs populations, using a particular treatment modality or counseling approach, a specific policy issue, […]

Signature Assignment: Aileen Wuornos An Extensive Profile of a Selected Serial Killer CaseSignature Assignment: Aileen Wuornos An Extensive Profile of a Selected Serial Killer Case

In order to demonstrate your integration and application of all the material presented in this course on serial killers, you will compose an extensive profile of a serial offender whom you have chosen to research for your Signature Assignment. The profile needs to be a 7 to 8-page paper in APA format (excluding the Title, […]

what are the developmental benefits of sending your child with autism to preschool?what are the developmental benefits of sending your child with autism to preschool?

Imagine that you are a developmental researcher and are interested in studying a new area of child development that you are currently unfamiliar with (i.e. the benefits and/or consequences of prenatal testing, how abuse and neglect during adolescence affects a child’s development to adulthood, what are the developmental benefits of sending your child to preschool, […]