Discipline: Psychology

Social media and how it affects our attentiveness and to be present in the momentSocial media and how it affects our attentiveness and to be present in the moment

Part 1 Agenda: a 250 to 300-word research agenda that includes: the significance of an issue or interest and refined research questions, which will be dealt with further in the final project. Part 2 Hypotheses at least 3 research hypotheses for statistical analysis that includes Independent Variables and Dependent Variables The topic that I chose […]

How does growing up in the context of divorce impact a child’s development in the short and long termHow does growing up in the context of divorce impact a child’s development in the short and long term

These are my assignment details:  1. Introduction and thesis statement – In this section you give the reader an overview of your topic. For example, you can state your question and discuss why it is important / relevant to human development and the human condition. In this brief section you should help us understand why […]

Introduce and discuss the practice guidelines as well as the legal and ethical issues for online video counselling, with reference to the law in Singapore, and Singapore Association for Counselling’s Code of Ethics.Introduce and discuss the practice guidelines as well as the legal and ethical issues for online video counselling, with reference to the law in Singapore, and Singapore Association for Counselling’s Code of Ethics.

The essay to touch on the following points: – What are some guidelines surrounding online video counselling – What do I think about these guidelines – What are some ethical concerns regarding these guidelines – What are ethical issues in the use of online platform for counselling – What are the legal concerns regarding use […]

Comment on the use of counselling skills and the emerging therapeutic relationship as demonstrated live in this sessionComment on the use of counselling skills and the emerging therapeutic relationship as demonstrated live in this session

The assignment task requires you to identify specific counselling skills used in a live session with a psychologist. First, watch the video from start to finish.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKUFWK6iSsw&list=PLXIyutuLIqMI5wNzTO7fbjpJVzEFe0sqU&index=5   In your commentary, identify skills which the psychologist uses. Make reference to the way the psychologist uses the skills and how they relate to the emerging therapeutic relationship. […]

For this assignment you will need to read the following article: https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/kirsten-matthews-new-textbook/modules/cultureFor this assignment you will need to read the following article: https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/kirsten-matthews-new-textbook/modules/culture

Article: https://nobaproject.com/textbooks/kirsten-matthews-new-textbook/modules/culture After reading the above article, you will write a 2-page paper on the following topics: Identify one culture that you personally identify with and would like to discuss. [You can think about your cultures broadly- for example: mainstream American culture, Pakistani culture within Pakistan, etc. Or you can think more narrowly in terms […]

Positive Correlation Between Children’s Self-Esteem and their Academic AchievementPositive Correlation Between Children’s Self-Esteem and their Academic Achievement

This is my full topic and I’ve written an introductory paragraph and cited one source so far:    A developmental psychologist who used the correlational method found that there was a positive correlation between children’s self-esteem and their academic achievement. First, what does a positive correlation mean in this case? Second, how might these results […]

Final Paper – Asch & Milgram & their contributions to social psych/social conformityFinal Paper – Asch & Milgram & their contributions to social psych/social conformity

I would like this paper done on Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram and their contrubutions to social psychology and their research on social conformity. They are a very easy duo who actually worked together (Milgram was Asch’s assistant). I will attach the grading rubric the prof provided. Any other questions, let me know! Here is […]

Substance use and addictive disorders and I will be focus more into cannabis-related disorders.Substance use and addictive disorders and I will be focus more into cannabis-related disorders.

Two contemporary approaches, my research paper will be into Humanistic perspective and Behavioral perspective.  1. Describe the psychological disorder. What are its characteristics (e.g., prevalence, diagnostic criteria/symptoms)? 2. Who is at risk for this psychological disorder? 3. What is thought to cause this psychological disorder? 4. What types of treatment may be helpful for this […]

statement of purpose for graduate school – psychology/ergonomics/traditional psychology and modern-day engineering blendstatement of purpose for graduate school – psychology/ergonomics/traditional psychology and modern-day engineering blend

Applying for a program and need an admission essay – my background is psychology The program has a focus in human factors so that would be great to add in. Some of the courses that will be in this program are: sensation and perception, cognitive psychology, human-computer interaction, ergonomics My personal interests are the psychology […]

Public Attitude Towards Substance Abuse: What are the effects on Psychological Wellbeing of Users?Public Attitude Towards Substance Abuse: What are the effects on Psychological Wellbeing of Users?

LO1: Locate a relevant body of knowledge and critically synthesise the literature in order to construct a research question with appropriate aims and objectives.  LO2: Undertake a critical, analytical, and evaluative review of appropriate literature from a wide range of relevant sources  LO3: Critically examine a range of data collection methods, exploring limitations in order […]