Discipline: Public Administration

The Transportation Security Administration’s Rise in Ethical Misconduct: An Analysis of Best Practices for Ethical Leadership ImplementationThe Transportation Security Administration’s Rise in Ethical Misconduct: An Analysis of Best Practices for Ethical Leadership Implementation

A summary of the research/concept is as follows: After a rushed development and implementation nationwide following 9/11, ethical misconduct within the Transportation Security Administration is rampant at all levels. Ethical leadership practices stand a chance of alleviating these known issues from a public administration perspective, but the agency lacks implementation methods. The paper will seek […]

Is there a correlation between taking online courses and acceptance rates into college?Is there a correlation between taking online courses and acceptance rates into college?

To whoever is reading this, I would like a term paper that is a quantitative research style APA format paper that studies the research topic Is there a correlation between taking online courses and acceptance rates into colleges? I attached a document with the rubric of how I want the paper to be structured and […]

Assessing a Public-Private Partnership or a Merger of Two Non-Profit OrganizationsAssessing a Public-Private Partnership or a Merger of Two Non-Profit Organizations

Deciding to explore a public-private partnership or to merge with another organization involves very similar assessments: 1. Do we have similar missions? 2. Do we have similar or compatible cultures? 3. What do each of us bring to the partnership? 4. What might we lose by doing this? Please investigate a public-private partnership or a […]

(INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED) Prepare a position memorandum on policy legitimation. Be sure you include alternative arguments(INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED) Prepare a position memorandum on policy legitimation. Be sure you include alternative arguments

Prepare a position memorandum on your policy topic. Be sure you include alternative arguments. Do not rebut the arguments. Follow the outline in chapter 10 of Pennock. Students will complete a one-to-two page policy memorandum outlining a position for the policy topic they have selected. The memo must be directed to the specific person by […]

Importance and the urgency of chronic disease control and prevention is declining in the wake of coronavirus crisisImportance and the urgency of chronic disease control and prevention is declining in the wake of coronavirus crisis

This is a forum created for sharing perspectives on the impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on the landscape of healthcare services, comments on the impacts beyond healthcare are also welcome I had a dinner conversation with my old son, who finished college years ago, about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on high education. This is […]

Case Study Assignment, you will provide a scholarly paper concerning the effect of recent Supreme Court decisions on public administration and federalism.Case Study Assignment, you will provide a scholarly paper concerning the effect of recent Supreme Court decisions on public administration and federalism.

Case Study: The Supreme Court, Federalism, and Public Administrators Assignment (USA). Christensen and Wise (2009) state, [t]he U.S. Supreme Court has come to play an important role in articulating that system of rules. The Supreme Court’s federalism decisions are especially important in understanding what powers public managers [must] achieve policy priorities in the current context […]

This paper focuses on the stakeholders in public sector information management…………….This paper focuses on the stakeholders in public sector information management…………….

RESEARCH PAPER: UNDERSTANDING THE CONTEXT OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW This Module: Week increases our understanding of the current state of IM and IT; shifts our focus to some of the leading-edge applications of IM/IT in public sector services; and triggers thinking about how we can optimally engage IM/IT stakeholders to enhance public policy […]

Reading Reflection on Most Parents Leaving TANF Work, But in Low- Paying, Unstable Jobs, Recent Studies FindReading Reflection on Most Parents Leaving TANF Work, But in Low- Paying, Unstable Jobs, Recent Studies Find

Please write an intellectual reflection on the reading or a portion of the reading that either  (a) you disagreed with in part or in its entirety or  (b) that most challenged your preexisting views.  Start your reflection by letting me know which reading you’re responding to and whether you’re writing about it because  (a) you […]

What struck you this week as you learned about the National debt, our tax system, the Federal budget and the U.S. deficit? Pick something that you learned or that you found interesting/important and share it with the class.What struck you this week as you learned about the National debt, our tax system, the Federal budget and the U.S. deficit? Pick something that you learned or that you found interesting/important and share it with the class.

What struck you this week as you learned about the National debt, our tax system, the Federal budget and the U.S. deficit? Pick something that you learned or that you found interesting/important and share it with the class. You must only use these sources to back up information that you provide. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3ugDU2qNcyg https://www.thebalancemoney.com/the-u-s-debt-and-how-it-got-so-big-3305778 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_tULRch1PRQ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a7f6Z26w0yY

Question 3: How has the role and function of the civil servant changed in post-Pandemic America? Question 4: What are Your Four Big Takeaways From the EMPA?Question 3: How has the role and function of the civil servant changed in post-Pandemic America? Question 4: What are Your Four Big Takeaways From the EMPA?

Question 3: How has the role and function of the civil servant changed in post-Pandemic America? Question 4: What are Your Four Big Takeaways From the EMPA? Required Reading: Zakaria, Fareed. (2020). Ten Lessons for a Post-Pandemic World. New York: Norton. Governments and non-profits are adapting to a post-Pandemic new normal that has broadened longstanding […]