Discipline: Public Administration

How has social media impacted the introduction, development, and acquisition of essential life skills among teenagers?How has social media impacted the introduction, development, and acquisition of essential life skills among teenagers?

Question:  How has social media impacted the introduction, development, and acquisition of essential life skills among  teenagers? Introduction Purpose statement  Explain your research methodology, why you chose it, and why it is important to your study’s  findings. Review of literature Analyze and discuss the findings of your research, and how they relate to your research  […]

You are a Safety Manager for a start-up company with little to no safety program. You are asked to ensure compliance with all federal and state regulations and put together a program that does just that.You are a Safety Manager for a start-up company with little to no safety program. You are asked to ensure compliance with all federal and state regulations and put together a program that does just that.

You are free to pick the company, or industry and tell exactly what the company does in detail. 1. Choose a section or Subpart from the Code of Federal Regulations (29 CFR 1910/1926) and research sections that are required in a company compliance program. These are elements such as training, program management, program update, roles […]

Choose one of the following: 1.Critically analyse the NHRD/VET system of any one country and suggest (and justify) policy recommendations. 2.What are the implications of COVID for NHRD/VET policy?Choose one of the following: 1.Critically analyse the NHRD/VET system of any one country and suggest (and justify) policy recommendations. 2.What are the implications of COVID for NHRD/VET policy?

Choose one of the following:  1. Critically analyse the NHRD/VET system of any one country and suggest (and justify) policy recommendations 2. What are the implications of COVID for NHRD/VET policy? Introduction (5-10%) Literature Review (10%) Body (70-80%) Conclusion (5-10%) References Course: Human Resources Development Policy

research paper on a critical infrastructure security and asset protection issue of their choice (national,research paper on a critical infrastructure security and asset protection issue of their choice (national,

Each student will prepare a 5-7 page research paper on a critical infrastructure security and asset protection issue of their choice (national, regional, state, local, Territorial, Tribal, sector, or international focus).  The paper should be completed using the following organizational format: problem statement, background (include key players, authorities, resources, etc.), discussion (presentation of alternatives with […]

How Childhood Obesity is affected by the social determinant of healthcare access.How Childhood Obesity is affected by the social determinant of healthcare access.

Write a 2-page paper on how childhood obesity is connected to the social determinant of health, healthcare access. My marginalized group is low-income obese children, and my social determinant of health is healthcare access. The first section should be a background introducing how lack of healthcare access is frequent among low-income, obese children. Then write […]

Practice Policy Analysis: Examining anti-Asian Violence policy during Covid-19 in the United StatesPractice Policy Analysis: Examining anti-Asian Violence policy during Covid-19 in the United States

students will write a draft policy analysis for a final project in this class. Students can select a policy at any level of government andany substantive policy of the student’s  interest. You will complete a conceptual framework paper that combines policy theory, research design and methods, and public service perspectives to analyze a real-world policy problem of your […]

why are all black kids sitting together in the Cafeteria? and conversations about racewhy are all black kids sitting together in the Cafeteria? and conversations about race

choose your paper topic based on your individual experiences in this class with the course materials, class speakers, lectures, and presentations. You should identify a sub-topic in this course that you are most passionate about from the larger public education in Newark topics to complete your final paper. Your paper should include references to at […]

Conduct a Comparative Analysis of Non-Parametric Statistics in Extant LiteratureConduct a Comparative Analysis of Non-Parametric Statistics in Extant Literature

For this assignment, you first will identify a topic of interest that you might want to pursue research in the field of Public Administration. Next, conduct a literature search to locate two studies examining your selected topic and in which the researchers used non-parametric statistics. In your search for articles, you should use any combination […]

: The purpose of this individual assignment is to identify typical challenges as well as proven best practices within public service organizations: The purpose of this individual assignment is to identify typical challenges as well as proven best practices within public service organizations

Objective: The purpose of this individual assignment is to identify typical challenges as well as proven best practices within public service organizations. Using both course material an outside academic sources, students are expected to compare and contrast theories of organizational processes and offer suggestions for best practice model. Task  1. Identify, explain and give examples […]