Discipline: Religion and Theology

“research” paper on the Ark of the Covenant. ( some story explanation is needed too)“research” paper on the Ark of the Covenant. ( some story explanation is needed too)

NOTE WELL: You may NOT use any other sources beyond the Bible (accessing an online bible is fine) and the two bible dictionaries provided. The two sources are mandatory. Two pages, standard margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. font. Use in-body notes, e.g., author and page like this (Collins, 371). Provide a complete bibliography (“sources cited”) properly […]

When reading Colossians 3:12-17 the passage argues that believers should instill Christian life values and promote unity within the Christian community, emphasizing the life-changing power of God’s Word.When reading Colossians 3:12-17 the passage argues that believers should instill Christian life values and promote unity within the Christian community, emphasizing the life-changing power of God’s Word.

Purpose The final paper should demonstrate your ability to make a claim about the meaning of a biblical passage, to argue for that claim, to work with a biblical text, and to analyze it from literary, historical, and theological perspectives. Instructions The Final Paper for BLIT340 is a 5–7-page paper that makes an argument for […]

The Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons & Stages of Leadership Development – Book reading reviewThe Making of a Leader: Recognizing the Lessons & Stages of Leadership Development – Book reading review

Reading Review: Each reading review is to be double-spaced, font size 12, one-inch (1”) margins all around, a full two (2) pages in length (but, 2 pages maximum), submitted with a coversheet in Chicago Style format. Address each of the following areas in each reading review: a. General overview of the text – Write a […]

Compare and contrast the Gospel of Mark with your choice of one of the other major Gospels: Matthew, Luke, or John.Compare and contrast the Gospel of Mark with your choice of one of the other major Gospels: Matthew, Luke, or John.

You will compare and contrast the Gospel of Mark with your choice of one of the other major Gospels: Matthew, Luke, or John.h you will compare and contrast the Gospel of Mark with your choice of one of the other major Gospels: Matthew, Luke, or John. · Trace the developing plot or movement of the […]

How did Jesus use “I Am” sayings in the Gospel of John to emphasize his teachings and demonstrate his connection with God and the Old Testament?How did Jesus use “I Am” sayings in the Gospel of John to emphasize his teachings and demonstrate his connection with God and the Old Testament?

The introduction paragraph is the first building block of the paper. As such, it carries significant weight for establishing the argument and tone of the paper. In this discussion, you are going to post your introduction paragraph for your peers to review. Your introduction should be one paragraph closely following the course instruction for developing […]

Compare and contrast jewish zionism and hindu nationalism’ response to their respective encounters with modernity.Compare and contrast jewish zionism and hindu nationalism’ response to their respective encounters with modernity.

Compare and contrast these two religions’ response to their respective encounters with modernity. How did their responses differ and why? What do the differing responses have to do the geo-political position of the religions in question? (Colonized or colonizer; growing or shrinking in adherents?) What do the differing responses have to do with the basic beliefs of the […]

What role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain itWhat role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain it

Prompt: What role does salvation play in religion, both for the individual and the whole community? Give an example of how an individual can perceive salvation and explain the ways he/she follows in order to attain it (for example, you can explain how a Buddhist perceives nirvana and seeks to achieve it by following the […]

Apologetics Outreach Program for Young Adults Age 17 – 27: Creating a YouTube ChannelApologetics Outreach Program for Young Adults Age 17 – 27: Creating a YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel The Implementation phase presents a new YouTube channel fully launched. Revising an existing YouTube channel is not permitted; this must be a totally new creation. You must have at least one video posted to the channel for your instructor to watch. The video should engage the viewer, be unique in content and presentation […]

6. In what way does the study of sacred space add to the understanding of a religious tradition?6. In what way does the study of sacred space add to the understanding of a religious tradition?

Assessment: 10% (based on: argument; structure; sources; clarity of style; accuracy and suitability of references). There is no firm limit on the number of sources, but the questions are planned with 3-4 sources in mind, excluding your case studies. Indicate in your Bibliography if something is Primary or Secondary source. Primary source relates to the […]

In what way does the study of sacred space add to the understanding of a religious tradition?In what way does the study of sacred space add to the understanding of a religious tradition?

I have written this assisgnment, however it needs to be edited and fixed. There should be two case studies; i.e a picture can be used, a video, an article and research should be used to back it up. There is no firm limit on the number of sources, but the questions are planned with 3-4 […]