Discipline: Religion and Theology

What does it mean to be human? (Or a topic that included Being Human, Morality, Love and Happiness, etc.)What does it mean to be human? (Or a topic that included Being Human, Morality, Love and Happiness, etc.)

Step 1: Choose three readings from the unit, one from each lens (Religion, Philosophy, and Literature) that you wish to connect and reflect on. Step 2: Write a brief summary (5-8 sentences maximum) that quickly explains what each reading you chose for the essay is about. Step 3: This should be the longest section of your essay. Draw […]

Explain and interpret your understanding of the yin-yang concept in these chapters. What are the yin-yang pairs in these chapters and how do they make sense to you from the contents in these chapters?Explain and interpret your understanding of the yin-yang concept in these chapters. What are the yin-yang pairs in these chapters and how do they make sense to you from the contents in these chapters?

Topic: We can see that the yin-yang concept plays a crucial part in Daoism as well as in the Daode jing. For example, in the Ch. 2, there are the yin-yang pairs of beautiful and ugly, difficult and easy, long and short, high and low, etc. Here are a few more chapters from the Daode jing which mention the […]

What is the potential impact that a transformational teacher can have in 20 years?What is the potential impact that a transformational teacher can have in 20 years?

Romans teaches us about our salvation through Jesus. Thinking about movement principles and gospel stories, imagine the impact of being a “disciple-making” teacher over a 20-year period.  Address the type of impact that can be had on high school history students as well as the greater impact that can be had on coworkers, the families […]

Next Generation Leadership Model Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment InstructionsNext Generation Leadership Model Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions

Next Generation Leadership Model Paper: Annotated Bibliography Assignment Instructions Overview Compose a bibliography sketch of at least 20 works related to the Next Generation Leadership Model paper. These sources must relate to the paper you intend to write. You can still take the paper in a different direction later, but for now, go ahead and […]

“Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life.”“Religion is the state of being grasped by an ultimate concern, a concern which qualifies all other concerns as preliminary and which itself contains the answer to the question of a meaning of our life.”

Select one definition from the material presented in class that you find useful or accurate in describing religion and explain why that definition appeals to you.  You are to think about the ways you understand religion. Religion plays a large role in human society, not only for the individuals that adhere to a particular religion, […]

Discussion Thread: Features of the International Human Rights Regime This is a graded discussion: 60 points possibleDiscussion Thread: Features of the International Human Rights Regime This is a graded discussion: 60 points possible

Course HUMR 501 The International Human Rights Regime What is a “regime”, according to political scientists? What are the major components of the modern international human rights regime? How are human rights defined in key international human rights agreements, such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights? To what extent is the definition of human rights […]

In this assignment, you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.In this assignment, you will summarize beliefs about the origin of the universe and life, including what Christians believe, what you believe, and how people’s beliefs about origins might impact how they live.

After reflecting on chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis, in a total of 750-1050-words, complete the “Origins” document to do the following: Summarize the Christian beliefs about the following: origins, Genesis 1 and 2, general and special revelation, and the three Christian approaches to creation. Explain and support your current understanding of the origin of […]

Inpatient Pastoral Counseling in a Managed Care Setting: Impossibility or Opportunity?Inpatient Pastoral Counseling in a Managed Care Setting: Impossibility or Opportunity?

General Information: Title of article, author’s name, date of publication and one paragraph about the author. Summarize the major thesis of the article (keep to 6 or less sentences).  What are the problems, issues being addressed, purpose and need, and/or theoretical basis for the article? Summary of Article: The summary must be a minimum of one double-spaced […]

The Moral Dilemma: Exploring the Intersection of Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Religious Values in SportsThe Moral Dilemma: Exploring the Intersection of Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Religious Values in Sports

The subject is sports and religion. (please talk about religion and sports equally) (also, use Lance armstrong as a focal point, but you can use more case studies if you want), include a title page too. Final Paper/Project -30%–Students will complete a 1500-1800 word academic research paper Rationale for assessment:  • Reflects on a significant […]

The Role of the Fool in Proverbs: Exploring Thematic Material and its Contribution to the Book of WisdomThe Role of the Fool in Proverbs: Exploring Thematic Material and its Contribution to the Book of Wisdom

Proverbs Theme Paper Final Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to recognize the use and reuse of thematic material in Proverbs and to discern how the theme Fool contribute to the shape and function of Proverbs as a book of “wisdom.”   This assignment is part 3 of 3: Proverbs Theme Paper Part 1: Annotated Bibliography […]