Discipline: Religion and Theology

The Role Politics & Religion Play in Population Control and the Emergence of Conspiracy TheoriesThe Role Politics & Religion Play in Population Control and the Emergence of Conspiracy Theories

If it hasn’t been evident enough in recent years, people are not content with the way things are. This is especially when it comes to politics and religion; as broad as those terms are. People are expressing their concerns, but no one is listening. There are endless discussions on these topics that always end the […]

Thesis: Are the morals and teachings of Catholicism necessary for one to live a happy life?Thesis: Are the morals and teachings of Catholicism necessary for one to live a happy life?

Annotated Bibliography “Dictionary : Happiness.” Dictionary : HAPPINESS | Catholic Culture, www.catholicculture.org/culture/library/dictionary/index.cfm?id=33866. Accessed 4 June 2023. ​Will only be used to show the definition of happiness in the view of Catholicism. The King James Bible. Christian Bible Society, 1980. ​Primarily Philippians will be used and cited. In this story, Paul explains that living as a Christian or […]

Describe the funeral customs of the following 3 religions Judaism /Buddhism /IslamDescribe the funeral customs of the following 3 religions Judaism /Buddhism /Islam

The paper must be typed with 1” margins, double spacing and a 12-point Times Roman Font. The paper should also include a reference list. A minimum of three credible references must be utilized. The American Psychological Association format must also be utilized for the paper. The paper should be between four and six pages in […]

Syngman Rhee’s Vision and Reality: The Establishment of the Nation and Thereafter (The Korean War, Division, Anti-Communism)Syngman Rhee’s Vision and Reality: The Establishment of the Nation and Thereafter (The Korean War, Division, Anti-Communism)

A. Summary (600-800) (700-800 words)Include the following things:The topic:The main thesis of the author (one sentence)The methodology that the author usesThe points that the author tries to criticize:The major critical arguments and points of the author (2-3 paragraphs):B. Reflection (600-800) (700-800 words)1) What I learned from the article (1-2 paragraphs)2) What I agree with the author & […]

philosophy world religion. Aspect on sin, grace and salvation, the afterlife, heaven and hell in Christianityphilosophy world religion. Aspect on sin, grace and salvation, the afterlife, heaven and hell in Christianity

For my philosophy class on world religions I need to write write a paper on the aspect of sin,  grace and salvation, the afterlife, heaven and hell in Christianity. I just need to talk about the origins and what Christians believed when it came to these aspects. We used the textbook invitation to world religions 4th […]

Comparing the elements of the Spiritual Journey according to two or more of the mystical thinkers covered in this course.Comparing the elements of the Spiritual Journey according to two or more of the mystical thinkers covered in this course.

The Research Essay must be 4,000-words (minimum), not including Bibliography.  The Research Essay must have a thesis statement – which means a claim or statement about the topic that the paper is attempting to prove as true. The Research Paper must also include at least 2 supporting arguments — the reasons why the thesis statement […]

Using your Grudem and Tennent texts and your Bible, answer this question: Who is God?Using your Grudem and Tennent texts and your Bible, answer this question: Who is God?

Ensure the following points are addressed: Explain who God is. Explain how you know this is true (e.g., including relevant biblical support and support from the Grudem and/or Tennent texts). Describe the attributes of God. Be sure to include comments about the Trinity, God’s character, and God’s actions. Use at least two scholarly sources that […]

What is the most helpful way of explaining the Christian doctrine of the atonement?What is the most helpful way of explaining the Christian doctrine of the atonement?

You will need to write an essay of 2200 words on the topic, “What is the most helpful way of explaining the Christian doctrine of the atonement?”.   Using the reading list in the attached document you are to create an essay by giving four solid arguments on the most helpful ways of explaining the christian […]

Iam Tongi’s Hawaiian Inspired Cover Of Lionel Richie’s “Stuck On You” – American Idol 2023 Top 12 (Youtube Video)Iam Tongi’s Hawaiian Inspired Cover Of Lionel Richie’s “Stuck On You” – American Idol 2023 Top 12 (Youtube Video)

Religion in [American] Culture Project:  This project is a consideration of ways in which popular consciousness, reflected in creative productions, engages, or expresses issues of religious importance. Such engagement may take form of affirming religious importance. Such engagement may take form of affirming  religious convictions/values, criticizing how certain religious notions/assumptions function in popular culture, or […]

Article Reflection: Globalisation of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)Article Reflection: Globalisation of Missions: An Exegesis on the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20)

Article Reflection Assignment Instructions Overview You will be required to complete 2 Article Reflection Papers. Each article will introduce the importance of thinking beyond the home culture and to consider and think cross-culturally and globally for the sake of the Gospel.   Instructions Key items to include in this assignment are outlined as follows:   […]