Discipline: Science

Using particle theory, explain Otto von Guericke’s experiment with the copper sphere, using the text belowUsing particle theory, explain Otto von Guericke’s experiment with the copper sphere, using the text below

Learning Goal: I’m working on a science exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. This is the text: In this experiment, 20 men, using a pulley, tried to pull a piston upwards, as one man moved it downwards by sucking the air out of the cylinder. People were amazed when the […]

Find the answerFind the answer

Learning Goal: I’m working on a science practice test / quiz and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 3. Kate travels a distance of 9 km from her house to the school by auto-rickshaw at 18 km/hr and returns on rickshaw at 15 km/hr.

Compare and contrastCompare and contrast

Learning Goal: I’m working on a science question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. In essay format, Differentiate Action Potential and Graded Potential of the Muscular System and the Nervous System. 15 Sentences only. Cite references. No plagiarism. Thanks!

Natural Science AssignmentNatural Science Assignment

This project has been completed throughout the course of the class. Please refer to previous assignments completed to assist with completing this final assignment. – Majority of the work has already been completed and will be attached in the study space once the bid has been accepted. Link used to complete the assignments: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/11/221115113940.htm Overview […]


DISCUSSION Part 1. Identify a model that relates to the topic of your Observation Project. Keep in mind that the results of any one scientific project tend to be small and specific, but models generally seek to explain a bigger picture. For example, if you counted insects attracted to your outdoor light for your project, […]

Develop Risk Monitoring PlanDevelop Risk Monitoring Plan

  Instructions Attached are the assignments leading up to this assignment For this week’s assignment, you will submit a PowerPoint presentation  that presents your project’s risk monitoring and control approach.   Your presentation should include the following: Title slide List and describe the risk response and control steps, detail how  you will follow up on existing […]