Discipline: Social Science

Website creationWebsite creation

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. https://biancaresumee.netlify.app/resume.html Please add what the directions say above and add this to the new edit Self Introduction.. My interest in psychology and social work stems from my innate desire to help others. As a behavioral […]

Discussion questions MarchDiscussion questions March

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. 500 words. You can reply to classmates if you like. Understand this is a snippet of the full religious experience of African Americans, it is rich and wide and deep. It is congregational and personal. […]


What is stigmatization? what is mental health stigmatization? examples of mental health stigmatization? how does mental health stigmatization affect people with mental health? theories that explain mental health stigmatization and stigmatization. how the media has portrayed mental health. how friends and families affect mental health, etc. Proper APA Citations from credible sources. 10 pages. 

Toxicology WorksheetToxicology Worksheet

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Instructions For this assignment, you will be accessing the Unit I Assignment Worksheet and answering the questions. The responses should be in complete sentences and utilize proper APA citations for referenced information. Explain how results […]


Topic: Gender-based violence in women (Domestic violence) Make a 8 slides of PowerPoint on the topic above  1. definition of both terms:  Gender-based violence and domestic violence 2. types/ causes 3. Who is more affected in such situation  4. risk factors 5. consequences 6. prevention 7. response strategies/ remedies 8. summary/ final conclusions

Analysis PlanAnalysis Plan

The analysis plan is your opportunity to describe the statistical methods and qualitative analysis you would use to complete the program evaluation. By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors: Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of […]


By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competency and specialized behaviors: Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice. C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.  Related […]


Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Please respond with 150 words Greetings class, Part 1: My name is Michael. I currently reside in Texas. I retired from the military in 2020 after 22 years. My background was medical as well as […]