Answer the following question in at least 250 words using the link below as a reference. For the Quechua, like all cultures, getting the groceries that sustain life requires labor- a lot of labor. In Quechua society, how is that labor organized? Who does what? How is work divided in your household?
Discipline: Social Science
Motivational Interviewing and Gestalt TheoryMotivational Interviewing and Gestalt Theory
300 words Identify one of the family members from the Campbell Family Case Study that you will be engaging in mandated therapy and use Gestalt techniques and Motivational Interviewing techniques to describe how you would work with this client. Because this is a mandated therapy session, you can assume this will be a hostile client […]
History Of Modern PhilosophyHistory Of Modern Philosophy
Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. Explain Descartes’s argument for the Existence of God in Meditation 3 in your own words (hint: discuss clear and distinct ideas and how they arise in our mind). Do you find this argument convincing? Why […]
TOPIC: Gendered identities: Childhood and Adolescence K- What you already know about this topic, and if anything looks familiar to you W- What you want to know or learn from this topic, at least three things and why exactly you want to learn about it L- What you learned from this topic based on your […]
Topic: Sex, Gender, and Bodies K- What you already know about the topic, does anything look familiar W- what one would like to learn or know about this topic, at least three things and why you would want to know about those things. L- As a result of the reading, list five things you learned […]
Current EventsCurrent Events
Locate a news article that is relevant to one of the topics below. The purpose is to reflect on what the topic is about and what is currently happening in the world. Also how the society are impacted. Choose any concepts that is explored in any chapter, as long as they coincide with the identified […]
social sciencesocial science
Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. NOTE: Students have the option to complete this assignment in pairs, with a fellow classmate*. In this scholarly paper, you are to review a major issue in the field of practice with families and children. Your […]
How to answerHow to answer
The Island of Kora acts as the case designed to bring all the points discussed in this class together. Therefore, this case calls for an application of all the points that have been previously discussed. After reading the case, write up a strategic plan designed to solve the islander’s problems. Your plan should include the […]
Child/Parent SchoolsChild/Parent Schools
Learning Goal: I’m working on a social science question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. NOTE: Students have the option to complete this assignment in pairs, with a fellow classmate*. In this scholarly paper, you are to review a major issue in the field of practice with families and children. Your […]
Soc informal writingSoc informal writing
1. Vanden and Becker – “Amautu: An Introduction to the Life and Works of José Carlos Mariátegui” 2. Che Guevara – “Global Justice” : p 17-27, 29-46, 49-62 For this reading, each speech should be referenced in some way in your reflection. 3. Salvador Allende – “First Speech to the Chilean Parliament” 4. Documentary – […]