Discipline: Social Work

Position Paper: The California Revolution: The Legalization of Recreational MarijuanaPosition Paper: The California Revolution: The Legalization of Recreational Marijuana

Clearly our state is involved in a cultural, policy, practice, criminal justicerevolution in terms of the recent January 1, 2023, legalization of recreationalmarijuana. Even though the Federal Government still classifies Marijuana asan illegal drug, and the profits cannot be deposited into almost all banks,California is proceeding with legalization, within limits. As people find out thatyou […]

Research question “What is the correlation between walking and easing depression symptoms in adults.”Research question “What is the correlation between walking and easing depression symptoms in adults.”

 I’m struggling with finding the right research question and then doing a literature review. I was working on the folloiwng research question “What is the correlation between walking and easing depression symptoms in adults.”  Looking for assistance for the following directions:  Integrate what you learn from each of these studies, and summarize the strengths and […]


The problem-solving model was first laid out by Helen Perlman. Her seminal 1957 book, Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process, described the problem-solving model and the 4Ps. Since then, other scholars and practitioners have expanded the problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy. At the heart of the problem-solving model and problem-solving, therapy is helping clients identify the problem […]

Discuss three or more ideas, thoughts, or concepts you learned in this semester’s course. You can include what surprised you and how you felt about what you learned.Discuss three or more ideas, thoughts, or concepts you learned in this semester’s course. You can include what surprised you and how you felt about what you learned.

Discuss three or more ideas, thoughts, or concepts you learned in this semester’s course. You can include what surprised you and how you felt about what you learned. Discuss two or more things you already knew before this semester’s course and describe how you knew these things.  Discuss one thing you would like to know […]

Biopsychosocial Interview Paper (I have a written paragraph of the person I interviewed)Biopsychosocial Interview Paper (I have a written paragraph of the person I interviewed)

Final Paper & Presentation: Biopsychosocial Assessment (100 pts.) This final is broken into three components- ( 1) the interview, (2) the paper and (3) the presentation. The Interview Please find an interview subject (your “client”) who consents to being discussed in an interview, paper and presentation. You are welcome to use the subject’s first name […]

Video Reflection – Decolonizing the mind: Healing through neuro decolonization and mindfulnessVideo Reflection – Decolonizing the mind: Healing through neuro decolonization and mindfulness

Watch – Decolonizing the mind: Healing through neurodecolonization and mindfulness using the link below. Write a reflection. Please use the following questions to guide your response. Easter, Cheryle. (2014, February 18). Dr. Michael Yellow Bird: Decolonizing the mind: Healing through neuro decolonization and mindfulness [Video] How has watching this video shifted your thoughts on your […]

Client has Oppositional Defiant Disorder (check the DSM TR PDF) (provided) and come up with a treatment planClient has Oppositional Defiant Disorder (check the DSM TR PDF) (provided) and come up with a treatment plan

Case #2 THE CASE TO BE USED FOR THE TASK The only time I lose it is when other people get on me when they think I’ve done something wrong. That teacher deserved to hear it from me, and I’m glad I threw my book at him. He gave me an “F” last semester, and […]

Human Sex Trafficking: Human Sex Trafficking, their Needs for Services, and the Barriers they face to Recieve The Services they NeedHuman Sex Trafficking: Human Sex Trafficking, their Needs for Services, and the Barriers they face to Recieve The Services they Need

A Reserach Paper on Human Sex Trafficking Topic: Exploratory Study on Human Sex Trafficking, their Needs for Services, and the Barriers they face to Recieve the Services They Need *An Example of the Research Paper Format is Uploaded- (HAS TO BE EXACTLY LIKE THE FORMAT) *Chapters I, II, and III have been completed, but need […]

Unexpected Aging Kinship Care – Grandparents Raising Grandchildren *Housing ChallengeUnexpected Aging Kinship Care – Grandparents Raising Grandchildren *Housing Challenge

Stakeholder and Community Analysis, Develop the Intervention
 Give a description of stakeholders such as individuals, organizations, interest groups, or the larger public that have advocated for a set of policies, programs and services.  ·       What can you propose that will lead to net benefits for these groups?  ·       What policy recommendations would you make to […]

Applying Social Work Practice to Indigenous/Native American Populations — Part IIApplying Social Work Practice to Indigenous/Native American Populations — Part II

Applying Social Work Practice to Indigenous/Native American Populations — Part II Oral PowerPoint “Trust the Process” Students will present an approximate 10-minute PowerPoint presentation of the chosen treaty, policy, or law using the rubric below. Presentations must be delivered professionally and orally. Students will complete this assignment with the group members for the paper, or […]