Discipline: Social Work

(Children and adolescents with autism ) What are the different genetics that cause autism in children(Children and adolescents with autism ) What are the different genetics that cause autism in children

Choose from the following topics for your paper: Children and adolescents with anxiety disorders • Children and adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder • Children and adolescents with autism • Children and adolescents with conduct disorder • Children and adolescents with severe depression Medical model versus humanistic models Systemic community and cultural disorders influencing children • Family […]

How can Dandelion Philosophy be scaled up to create a more significant impact in addressing poverty through sustainable means in South Africa?How can Dandelion Philosophy be scaled up to create a more significant impact in addressing poverty through sustainable means in South Africa?

The capsone should be written as a consultant or advisor looking at the company (Internal/External) Here is the quote from the advisor on my current capstone draft:  must be applied to a given Company for which you act AS A CONSULTANT (with interviews, surveyx, etc ..) to provide an operational and real life recommendation. It […]

Social Welfare Policy and Services Social Problem and Social Policy Paper Literature ReviewSocial Welfare Policy and Services Social Problem and Social Policy Paper Literature Review

The social problem chosen is, Gun Violence. The purpose of a literature review is to gain in-depth understanding of a topic or concept. This paper should explore definitions of the problem, historical development of the issue, review of two policies, and examine its’ relationship with the profession of social work. Helpful Hints In gathering your […]

Please read the directions very careful and put it in each box. It is a learning contract.Please read the directions very careful and put it in each box. It is a learning contract.

Foundation Learning Contract Assignment Overview The Foundation Learning Contract is a written agreement that includes the expectations of the teaching and learning, learning objectives, assigned tasks, operating procedures, due dates of task completion, and related comments on tasks completed between the site supervisor and you, the learner. The contract focuses on the learning and application […]

Oral History Paper interviewing a person’s social, cultural, and historical factors that shaped this person’s life. discuss the personal and environmental challenges this individual faced, the strengths they had exhibited throughout their life.Oral History Paper interviewing a person’s social, cultural, and historical factors that shaped this person’s life. discuss the personal and environmental challenges this individual faced, the strengths they had exhibited throughout their life.

Write an oral history report celebrating this person’s life and the events and circumstances that shaped it.  Discuss on how your interviewee was selected, describe how this experience has impacted and influenced his/her opinions, as well as how they might build upon this experience to combat social injustice. write an oral history report celebrating this […]

The historical development of Australian welfare polices and how these may facilitate and/or constrain social worker role in Australia.The historical development of Australian welfare polices and how these may facilitate and/or constrain social worker role in Australia.

Present a critical discussion based on your research and understanding of the role of the social worker as a professional in the context of: The historical development of Australian welfare polices and how these may facilitate and/or constrain social worker role in Australia. Learning Outcome: be able to demonstrate knowledge of the range of vulnerabilities […]

The challenges of maintaining professional autonomy for social workers in rural social work settings and contexts in AustraliaThe challenges of maintaining professional autonomy for social workers in rural social work settings and contexts in Australia

Present a critical discussion based on your research and understanding of the role of the social worker as a professional in the context of: The challenges of maintaining professional autonomy for social workers in rural social work settings and contexts Learning outcome 1: be able to understand, participate and theorise on social work fields of […]

How does your agency use policy to inform their practices and advocate for the clients served. You may also include other reflections in your journal but please ensure to speak about the topic for the journal as well.How does your agency use policy to inform their practices and advocate for the clients served. You may also include other reflections in your journal but please ensure to speak about the topic for the journal as well.

Topic: How does your agency use policy to inform their practices and advocate for the clients served. You may also include other reflections in your journal but please ensure to speak about the topic for the journal as well.  Be sure to utilize all headings, including paragraph headings, in your journal. Paragraph Headings: What, So […]

Discussion Board: “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis”Discussion Board: “Why America’s Black Mothers and Babies Are in a Life-or-Death Crisis”

After reading “Villarosa, L. (2018): “https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/11/magazine/black-mothers-babies-death-maternal-mortality.html” answer the following questions. Name risk and protective factors surrounding Ms. Landrum during her first pregnancy and her second pregnancy What is the strongest scientific evidence we have to date concerning the importance of doulas? What surprised you most when reading the article? What does the article say about […]

Essay (Questions from a book called Dimensions of human behavior from by Elizabeth D. Hutchison )Essay (Questions from a book called Dimensions of human behavior from by Elizabeth D. Hutchison )

Please no plagirism hi have you open the chat with Read Chapter 8. Using the framework of Erikson as well as other theorists in middle adulthood, answer the following discussion questions for each of the three case studies in the chapter found on pages 270-273. Write a one paragraph response at minimum per question. Examine, […]