Discipline: Social Work

choose a place to visit where they will not feel entirely comfortable, and after they visit, will write a paper describing the experience.choose a place to visit where they will not feel entirely comfortable, and after they visit, will write a paper describing the experience.

Out of Comfort Zone Assignment Format of Paper: Paper length: minimum 4 full pages – maximum 6 full pages. Title page/cover sheet and References pages are NOT included in page count. Papers should be in APA format. Within the paper, cite in APA format ANY information that is not an original thought. This applies to […]

Nouwen, H. J. (1975). Reaching out: The three movements of the spiritual life. Doubleday.Nouwen, H. J. (1975). Reaching out: The three movements of the spiritual life. Doubleday.

Reflect on what you view to be 1) the most important/compelling ideas from each of the three movements in the book and 2) how you see these key points relating to your own life 3) as well as to a solution- focused orientation to interviewing. Most of this paper should be focused on your personal […]

Use the template provided and the webpage and resources provided to make a logic model program evaluationUse the template provided and the webpage and resources provided to make a logic model program evaluation

Logic Model Assignment Identify one program to focus an evaluation plan on. Research this program and submit a logic model, along with a description of the elements of the logic model (why they are appropriate to the program/strategy you are focusing on for the purpose of your proposed evaluation plan). Turn in: *Logic Model for […]

Based on your personality type, explain which career personality fits you best and provide an example from your personal or professional life. Remember to think in terms of the Human Services field.Based on your personality type, explain which career personality fits you best and provide an example from your personal or professional life. Remember to think in terms of the Human Services field.

Watch Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MT7ouxoS6M&t=47s 2.Based on your personality type, explain which career personality fits you best and provide an example from your personal or professional life. Remember to think in terms of the Human Services field. 3.Regarding the other career personality types that you feel may not fit you, evaluate how ALL of them separately can […]

Respond to at least two colleagues by comparing your agency observations about problems, issues, and needs with theirs. Provide respectful feedback on your colleague’s program idea or need-related question.Respond to at least two colleagues by comparing your agency observations about problems, issues, and needs with theirs. Provide respectful feedback on your colleague’s program idea or need-related question.

Colleague :Crystal Describe at least one common client problem, issue, or gap in services or programs at your field agency, practice, or community setting. (If you are not currently in a practice setting, you may draw on your past work or practicum experience.) At my previous field agency, I interned at a Middle School under […]

Advocating for clients, human rights, social, economic and/or environmental justiceAdvocating for clients, human rights, social, economic and/or environmental justice

Be sure to utilize all headings, including paragraph headings, in your journal. Paragraph Headings: What, So What, Now What, Summary. What: State facts and observations of the event/situation. (objective) So What: Students to present personal thoughts, reflections, and/or feelings about the event/situation. May also include a discussion about how your perspective has changed. (subjective) Now […]

Another case study that needs a treatment plan made for it, like last time. Only this one has way moreinfoAnother case study that needs a treatment plan made for it, like last time. Only this one has way moreinfo

Learning Goal: I’m working on a social work case study and need a sample draft to help me learn. use the case study , which includes multiple substance use problems-opioids, alcohol, cannabis, tobacco- and serious mood symptoms and problem behaviors, including suicidality and self-injury, is fairly typical for individual with co-occurring substance use and borderline […]

The Experience of Families in Dealing with and Restoring Family Members with Child Welfare Involvement.The Experience of Families in Dealing with and Restoring Family Members with Child Welfare Involvement.

find four research articles that support your chosen topic. Two of the four chosen articles MUST be qualitative (no mixed methods). Save the PDF of the articlefind four research articles that support your chosen article MUST be qualitative (no mixed methods) save as Pdf  Topic -The Experience of Families in Dealing with and Restoring Family […]

Debate Paper based on Maia Szalavitz’s book Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction.Debate Paper based on Maia Szalavitz’s book Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction.

ou will prepare a 5-7 page book review/research paper (do not include the cover page/reference page in the 5-7 page count!) based on Maia Szalavitz’s book Unbroken Brain: A Revolutionary New Way of Understanding Addiction. In the first half of your paper, a. provide a brief reflection of the book (20 points) b. provide a […]

Black Women, Intimate Partner Violence, Self-Defense, and the Legal Justice SystemBlack Women, Intimate Partner Violence, Self-Defense, and the Legal Justice System

Your grade will be based on the abilityto organize your thoughts and reflections, as it pertains to discussing an oppressed population and a particular theory that best supports the outcome for the identified population. You will be expected to present your ideas (and questions for the class) in a clear and concise manner. This assignment is an […]