Discipline: Sociology

3 pages Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to evaluate theories and to understand the differences between theories.3 pages Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to evaluate theories and to understand the differences between theories.

The goal of this assignment is to evaluate theories and to understand the differences between theories. Emile Durkheim and contemporary functionalists Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Karl Marx Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx Karl Marx and Max Weber Description of Assignment: We will choose two theories/theorists we have learned about and write an essay comparing the […]

Choose two of the selections from part 1 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages.Choose two of the selections from part 1 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages.

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn. Choose two of the selections from part 1 in Gender Outlaws and personally reflect on these passages. Which two are you focusing on for this discussion? How have they challenged and confronted you? How have they opened […]

SOSHTalk Instructions and Grading Rubric(Think about the sociologists profiled in the chapter. )SOSHTalk Instructions and Grading Rubric(Think about the sociologists profiled in the chapter. )

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Think about the sociologists profiled in the chapter. Whose work seems most relevant to today’s social problems (e.g.: gender inequality, racial/ethnic inequality, homophobia, poverty, crime, health care, etc.)? In what ways are his/her work still relevant? […]

Due to the workload of social services agency being higher than a private or smaller intuitions’ workload it causes children may get lost in the system.Due to the workload of social services agency being higher than a private or smaller intuitions’ workload it causes children may get lost in the system.

“Creating your proposal serves as an important exercise in how to design an independent social science research inquiry and it will give you ample opportunity to showcase the analytical knowledge and practical skills you gained during the course that are critical in conducting social science research projects. \r \r  Please use the powerpoint as a […]

“Why hasn’t work disappeared, as the automation theorists of the early 2010s claimed? Is the process simply taking longer than predicted, or were those predictions wrong in key ways?”“Why hasn’t work disappeared, as the automation theorists of the early 2010s claimed? Is the process simply taking longer than predicted, or were those predictions wrong in key ways?”

“INTRODUCTION: In the introduction to your essay, explain what the question is, and why it is difficult to answer. Give a summary account of what you are going to argue in your paper. BODY PARAGRAPHS PART 1: Write a few paragraphs that summarize the perspective of the automation theorists of the early 2010s (including authors […]

For this assignment, you will a) describe Goffman’s dramaturgical theory, b) choose a social media platform and describe its features, and then c) discuss the ways that Goffman’s theory does (or does not) apply to social interaction on this platform.For this assignment, you will a) describe Goffman’s dramaturgical theory, b) choose a social media platform and describe its features, and then c) discuss the ways that Goffman’s theory does (or does not) apply to social interaction on this platform.

For this assignment, you will a) describe Goffman’s dramaturgical theory, b) choose a social media platform and describe its features, and then c) discuss the ways that Goffman’s theory does (or does not) apply to social interaction on this platform. The goal of this assignment is for you to strengthen your ability to write about […]

marx, weber, durkheim sociological theories on abortion interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theorymarx, weber, durkheim sociological theories on abortion interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory

An introduction to your issue A basic literature review Ideas about how to bring in interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory to your topic A conclusion to summarize your findings Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………..2 Points Literature Review……………………………………………………………………………2 Points Interactionism………………………………………………………………………………..1 Point Functionalism……………………………………………………………………………….1 Point Conflict theory……………………………………………………………………………..1 Point Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………………………2 Points Proper formatting……………………………………………………………………………1 Point                   […]

Applying Major Sociological Perspectives to a Contemporary Issue in Society (introduction to Sociology)Applying Major Sociological Perspectives to a Contemporary Issue in Society (introduction to Sociology)

Recognize the major theoretical perspectives in Sociology Critically evaluate at least three major Sociological perspectives Demonstrate the application of Sociological theory to contemporary issues Critically analyse a contemporary issue in society, applying at least two Sociological perspectives 1. Introduction – outline the main ideas of your work 2. Explain and critically evaluate Marxism, Functionalism and […]

Identify social issues related to these topics and critically examine causes and potential solutions for each social problem.Identify social issues related to these topics and critically examine causes and potential solutions for each social problem.

PROMPT ***three issues we discussed throughout the course where I felt like there was a fight for power. Specifically, I decided to focus on the criminal justice system, racial inequality, and gender inequality.  ** Instructions  Your final paper will be a 5–7-page, double-spaced paper (not counting the title page or reference page) in 12-point Calibri. […]

how is youth street hustling a means of survival and equally a form of resistance ? critically discuss and analyzehow is youth street hustling a means of survival and equally a form of resistance ? critically discuss and analyze

i will provide the source to use.  question: how is youth street huslting a means of survival and equally a form of resistance? critically discuss and analyze  include these if the following in the essay – what is street hustling ? – what activities are a part of this ( as described in the text) […]