Discipline: Sociology

This week our reading focuses on the organization of work in preindustrial times. There are many facets of this topic that are of sociological interest. The one to pay attention to in this discussion board is the fundamental idea of what goes inThis week our reading focuses on the organization of work in preindustrial times. There are many facets of this topic that are of sociological interest. The one to pay attention to in this discussion board is the fundamental idea of what goes in

Identify and compare the main features of how work was organized during two (2) different preindustrial eras discussed in our reading;  pay attention in your comments to the role that ascribed characteristics (sex, age, race, ethnicity, family role) played in how the work was organized. Put on your emerging sociologist hat and imagine you could go […]

I want you to reflect on your social self – the totality of beliefs you and society share about who you are. Where does this self come from? Focus on Bourdieu and the sociologies of race (and gender and sexuality to lesser extents.)I want you to reflect on your social self – the totality of beliefs you and society share about who you are. Where does this self come from? Focus on Bourdieu and the sociologies of race (and gender and sexuality to lesser extents.)

Here’s the prompt for your fifth and final paper. To paraphrase Goffman, there is nothing natural about the self.  It is constructed.  Built, refined, formed within social context and interaction. For this last assessment, I want you to reflect on your social self – the totality of beliefs you and society share about who you […]

What role does the quality of teacher-student relationships play in students’ academic performance and overall educational experience?What role does the quality of teacher-student relationships play in students’ academic performance and overall educational experience?

Essay topic question ( What role does the quality of teacher-student relationships play in students’ academic performance and overall educational experience?) should answer the following Questions: 1. What kind of information would you need to answer the assignment topic question? Such as research studies, define grade level for impact, scienticifc data on grades, graduation rates,attendance rates, […]

Socioautobiography: Explain Social Problems Using the “Sociological Imagination.Socioautobiography: Explain Social Problems Using the “Sociological Imagination.

Length: 2-3 pages (not including the reference page)  1-inch margins  Double spaced  12-point font  Page number in the upper right of all pages  Parenthetical in-text citations and reference page formatted in APA style  Abstract and title page not required CO 1: Explain social problems using the “sociological imagination.” CO 2: Apply sociological theories to the […]

I want you to identify at least two specific ruling texts that shape your current, everyday existence of gender. Do these texts form a discourse? If so, how? Does this discourse impact your rational, strategic action? If so, how?I want you to identify at least two specific ruling texts that shape your current, everyday existence of gender. Do these texts form a discourse? If so, how? Does this discourse impact your rational, strategic action? If so, how?

Essay Topic   For this assignment, I want you to identify at least two specific ruling texts that shape your current, everyday existence of gender. Do these texts form a discourse? If so, how? Does this discourse impact your rational, strategic action? If so, how? Are they supported through bureaucratized, structural contexts? How do the […]

Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary sociological theory as a way to understand the world in which we liveDiscuss the strengths and weaknesses of contemporary sociological theory as a way to understand the world in which we live

TopicsPlease choose one of the following topics to write about. These topics ask you be creative in applying thecourse material you have learned. IMPORTANT: You must identify what topic number you choose onthe title page of your term paper!1.  Discuss the overall contributions, as well as the similarities and differences, of two of the theoreticalperspectives […]

Explain how the law, race, class, gender & culture have been utilized to create the results that we see in our society.Explain how the law, race, class, gender & culture have been utilized to create the results that we see in our society.

Short Essay Question: Use the articles Liberal McCarthyism and the Origins of Critical Race Theory; and The New Jim Crow to explain how the law and/or race and/or class, and/or gender and culture have been utilized to create the results that we see in our society. Explain in each article who is impacted, how they […]

What is the social and economic impact of international migrants in South African?What is the social and economic impact of international migrants in South African?

The flow must be as follows; Introduction Migration definitions from different sources and theories Themes surrounding world migration Themes coming from South Africa Effect on employment for its citizens and government Effect on healthcare for its citizens and government Conclusion and recommendations references (APA 7th edition) each paragraph must not be more than 150 words Some sources […]

Critically analyse the TV series ‘Euphoria’ with the use of Threadgold’s (2020) Figures of Youth conceptCritically analyse the TV series ‘Euphoria’ with the use of Threadgold’s (2020) Figures of Youth concept

Please read the document ‘Full instruction’. General idea of assignment: think about how ‘youth’/young people are represented in the chosen media (Euphoria) and critique it using Threadgold’s theory You may choose other media (can be anything either social media posts, podcast, youtube video, meme, tiktok video, newspaper, broadcast, blog, movie, etc), but must be published […]

Analysing an everyday etiquette with the theory of either Douglas, Bourdieu, or Elias (choose one)Analysing an everyday etiquette with the theory of either Douglas, Bourdieu, or Elias (choose one)

This assessment aims to show how ideas in cultural sociology can help us to notice the cultural significance of even the most ordinary social practices. It requires you to apply the theory of either Douglas, Bourdieu, or Elias (choose only one) to a specific case of an everyday ‘etiquette’ you learnt as a child. Be […]