Discipline: Statistics

Create an Instructor’s Presentation to Teach Students about Internal and External ValidityCreate an Instructor’s Presentation to Teach Students about Internal and External Validity

Create an instructor’s narrated PowerPoint presentation to teach students about internal and external validity.  The presentation is to be narrated and usable in a teaching environment. Include the following:   Overview introduction on why researchers should be aware of internal and external validity. Internal Validity Define internal validity. Identify four common threats to internal validity Provide […]

Remember to show your work! If possible, please provide your answers in the space provided below the questions. Please make sure that your work is neat and organized!Remember to show your work! If possible, please provide your answers in the space provided below the questions. Please make sure that your work is neat and organized!

Remember to show your work! If possible, please provide your answers in the space provided below the questions.  Please make sure that your work is neat and organized! 

Foundations for Inference & Introduction to Jeffrey’s Amazing Statistics Program (JASP)Foundations for Inference & Introduction to Jeffrey’s Amazing Statistics Program (JASP)

Read: Chapter 5 of the textbook (Diez, D. M., Barr, C. D., & Çetinkaya-Rundel, M. (2019). Openintro statistics – Fourth edition. Open Textbook Library. https://www.biostat.jhsph.edu/~iruczins/teaching/books/2019.openintro.statistics.pdf.) Page 2-31 (Goss-Sampson, M. A. (2022). Statistical analysis in JASP: A guide for students (5th ed., JASP v0.16.1 2022). https://jasp-stats.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Statistical-Analysis-in-JASP-A-Students-Guide-v16.pdf  licensed under CC BY 4.0)  Watch: OpenIntroOrg. (2019a, September 02). Foundations for inference: Point estimates [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/oLW_uzkPZGA. OpenIntroOrg. (2019b, September 6). Intro […]

Present findings on the results of your test. Copy and paste relevant results from your excel calculations to word Doc. Present findings using APA formatting.Present findings on the results of your test. Copy and paste relevant results from your excel calculations to word Doc. Present findings using APA formatting.

Organization: Freestanding ER Services Title: ER Operations Manager Your IT department provided you data on patients that received ER services, their GHHS, and their recovery time. Prepare a report to share with the owners of the facility that will help you make informed decisions about how long you can expect a patients’ recovery time would […]

The Influence of Perceptions on Human Behavior and the impacting Results in various Complexities.The Influence of Perceptions on Human Behavior and the impacting Results in various Complexities.

Hello! thanks for doing my paper. You will notice that this is a research paper divided into sections. For the last section called paper 4 which is the one you are going to be doing today, you need to write another Methods sections, participant section, results section, discussion section, long discussion, and an abstract summarizing […]

exploring how intervention characteristics affect implementability: A mixed methods case study of common elements-based academic support in child welfare servicesexploring how intervention characteristics affect implementability: A mixed methods case study of common elements-based academic support in child welfare services

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course competency: Research paper should be 3 to 4 pages in length ( plus cover page and references) and must be written in APA format. Double space, 12 point, Times New Roman,  one inch margins. Cite all references in APA format.  Identify and apply […]

Which of the following is a required condition for the distribution of a discrete random variable that can assume valuesWhich of the following is a required condition for the distribution of a discrete random variable that can assume values

Please explain to the class the questions below: 1)  2) Explain how a nonstandard normal distribution differs from the standard normal distribution. Describe the process for finding probabilities for nonstandard normal distributions. 1) Directly and completely post the requested information. 

Discuss the z score as a hypothesis test, provide examples of real application from business world.Discuss the z score as a hypothesis test, provide examples of real application from business world.

Inferential Statistics and Testing Hypothesis are commonly used in research and dissertations. They help researchers answer their research questions and determine if they should reject the hypothesis.  Through this week, we will learn and practice to help you fully master these two very important concepts. Discuss the z score as a hypothesis test, provide examples […]

Toward Statistical Inference, Sampling Distributions for Sample Mean, Counts and Proportions, Estimating with Confidence, Tests of Significance, Power and Inference as a Decision, Inference for the Mean of a Population, Comparing Two MeansToward Statistical Inference, Sampling Distributions for Sample Mean, Counts and Proportions, Estimating with Confidence, Tests of Significance, Power and Inference as a Decision, Inference for the Mean of a Population, Comparing Two Means

!! NOTE: This will be a timed, fast-paced task. Strongly recommended to use a TI-84+ calculator INSTEAD of formulas, as much as possible (functions like normalcdf, etc). The assignment is given out at 10:00 AM PST on May 31st, 2023 (36 hours after I posted this order). * If I hire you, you’ll only have […]


Solve problems relating to dependent and independent variables, grouped and ungrouped data, locating data on a chart, and creating tables and graphs in JASP. Introduction Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in sequence. In this assessment, you will complete problems to apply correct order […]