Discipline: Statistics

Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout your unit/organization/Army?Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout your unit/organization/Army?

A. (Point A) Why does sexual assault occur? Include supporting evidence. B. (Point B) Does our current approach to training reduce (or not reduce) the risk of sexual assault and harassment? (Could be tied to point A) C. (Point C) Supporting topic & evidence to support your main point. D. (Point D) How do we […]

SPSS assignment (Determine the statistics for each gender as follows: Frequency Counts, Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS)SPSS assignment (Determine the statistics for each gender as follows: Frequency Counts, Mean, Standard Deviation, Minimum, and Maximum Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS)

View the following: 01 How to Use SPSS – An Introduction to SPSS for Beginners 02 Descriptive Statistics and Frequencies in SPSS – SPSS for Beginners 03 Descriptive Statistics and z Scores in SPSS – SPSS for Beginners Graphing and Descriptive Stats in SPSS With Dr. Ami GatesOpen SPSS and complete the following: Obtain an […]

final exam only 18 questions for statistics (8 short answer questions and 10 multiple choice questions)final exam only 18 questions for statistics (8 short answer questions and 10 multiple choice questions)

I have an final exam only 18 questions for statistics covers anova testing and T tests and i think 10 multiple choice 8 short answer i think its due 11:59pm tonight? I would have to give info on how to sign in and take the exam once the exam starts it has to be done […]

Is there a significant relationship in academic achievement between students who have parental influence (have or live with parents) than students who don’t ( or live alone )Is there a significant relationship in academic achievement between students who have parental influence (have or live with parents) than students who don’t ( or live alone )

Develop Topic with Supporting Evidence Develop Research Hypothesis Have Hypothesis Approved Develop Questions for Survey Set Up Fields in SPSS Distribute Survey Input Data In SPSS Analyze Data in SPSS and Find Supporting Research Write Paper Proofread Paper Thank you so much for the help 

Statistics – Reliability and Validity for the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being ScaleStatistics – Reliability and Validity for the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale

Write one paragraph for each section: Minimum of 5 sentences each. Use the pdf that I am attached to find answers.  – Reliability Information This must be statistical information (reliability coefficients).  Shows functional understanding of reliability (ie theory of measurement error, models of reliability, and the use of reliability information) Make sure to include that […]

A key learning objective of this course is for you to be able to apply statistical methodologies that you learnt from this course to solve novel problems that you encounter in your professional setting.A key learning objective of this course is for you to be able to apply statistical methodologies that you learnt from this course to solve novel problems that you encounter in your professional setting.

Think about a problem that you are interested in and can be tackled by one of the      three methodologies: hypothesis testing, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and linear regression. Collect your own data or obtain your data directly from secondary sources such as    data published online. If data are unavailable, make sure that […]

Hypothesis Testing I and II Testing difference between means, variances and proportionsHypothesis Testing I and II Testing difference between means, variances and proportions

A town official claims that the average vehicle in their area sells for more than the 40th percentile of your data set. Using the data, you obtained in week 1, as well as the summary statistics you found for the original data set (excluding the super car outlier), run a hypothesis test to determine if the claim can […]

How to explain the framework, discipline, and aim(s) of statistics to students without prior knowledge of the subjectHow to explain the framework, discipline, and aim(s) of statistics to students without prior knowledge of the subject

Please re-write attached draft for the topic described below while keeping core contents or points intact but changing the phrasing and wording where possible.  Assume the role of an educator. If you were to explain the framework, discipline, and aim(s) of statistics to an audience, specifically  graduate students and/or working professionals, who never studied the subject […]