Discipline: Writing

Analyzing an Argument, Excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American SlaveAnalyzing an Argument, Excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave

Make sure to please follow and hit every point in this prompt. Avoid using big words and sounding too formal. Please when citing quotes use it only from the text below provided.  Assignment 1: Analyzing an Argument Reading: Excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave Prompt: In Frederick Douglass’s narrative, […]

In this assignment you are completing a rhetorical analysis of an assigned essay to demonstrate knowledge of rhetoric, and specifically, of rhetorical elements, including rhetorical appeals.In this assignment you are completing a rhetorical analysis of an assigned essay to demonstrate knowledge of rhetoric, and specifically, of rhetorical elements, including rhetorical appeals.

  Compose a writing in which you DISCUSS (not just name) THREE of the nine following rhetorical elements in Alice Wong’s “The Last Straw”: rhetor, audience, exigence, constraints, context, text, and the rhetorical appeals used in it. You will find the reading included as a direct link in the module Discussion. Because this assignment is designed to check […]

What aspects of your background, identity or your school, community and/or household setting have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially or other?What aspects of your background, identity or your school, community and/or household setting have most shaped how you see yourself engaging in Northwestern’s community, be it academically, extracurricularly, culturally, politically, socially or other?

This is an essay work sent from the American “Northwestern University” I’m applying to, the task, as they  sent it to me, is:  “The following question is required for all applicants. Please respond in 300 words or  fewer.”  And the full topic is:  “What aspects of your background, your identity or your school, community and/or  household setting […]

Create a 20 question quiz for “Documenting Sources: An Overview,” pages 95 – 103.Create a 20 question quiz for “Documenting Sources: An Overview,” pages 95 – 103.

Optional Extra Credit: Create a 20 question quiz for “Documenting Sources: An Overview,” pages 95 – 103. This assignment is optional and is the first of three extra credit offerings this term. This extra credit assignment is worth up to 10 points. One of our readings for this semester is from the MLA Handbook chapter […]

Comparative Analysis- To compare and contrast the main ideas of two authors using analysis.Comparative Analysis- To compare and contrast the main ideas of two authors using analysis.

Comparative Analysis Purpose: To compare and contrast the main ideas of two authors using analysis. Audience: professors and students who have *not* read the texts you are analyzing. Begin this assignment by carefully reading and taking notes on the following two articles: 1) “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.” by Sherry Turkle (located in the Week 1 Materials), and 2) […]

To synthesize the viewpoints of other writers while presenting your own evaluation of the authors’ texts.To synthesize the viewpoints of other writers while presenting your own evaluation of the authors’ texts.

Assignment Description In this essay, you are going to synthesize the viewpoints of the following authors and their corresponding texts: (Required) Sherry Turkle, “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.”Download “Stop Googling. Let’s Talk.” (Required) Jenny Odell, “Finding Time in the Age of Tiktok”Download “Finding Time in the Age of Tiktok” (Optional) Melissa Hogenboom, “The Traits that Make Human Beings Unique”Links […]

Discuss the difference between musical copyright infringement and “sampling.” Additionally, research the case between Marvin Gaye’s Estate, RobinDiscuss the difference between musical copyright infringement and “sampling.” Additionally, research the case between Marvin Gaye’s Estate, Robin

 Discuss the difference between musical copyright infringement and “sampling.” Additionally, research the case between Marvin Gaye’s Estate, Robin Thicke, and Pharrell Williams, concerning the song “Blurred Lines” and discuss the court’s holding. Since the case was appealed to the 9th circuit, please include the arguments raised on appeal as well. In addition, include an example […]

With specific reference to yourself–your preferred personal and other positional identities–describe your approach to practice.With specific reference to yourself–your preferred personal and other positional identities–describe your approach to practice.

Example of paper assignment below: APA professional format, 5 to 8 pgs (excluding cover & reference pages).With specific reference to yourself–your preferred personal and other positionalidentities–describe your approach to practice.1. Discuss what guides you to think about your practice (micro or macro) in theways that you do.● Howdoestheory fit or not fit into your overall […]

Tell the story of how you learned one concept, one truth, one skill, or one piece of knowledge that you value.Tell the story of how you learned one concept, one truth, one skill, or one piece of knowledge that you value.

Ive already did the rough draft comment my professor You have good material for an essay on this topic. Now think about how to shape it into a narrative. Consider focusing on the first time you realized you could sell food and make a profit like on Good Friday.

Read and review the Marshall’s Processing Plant Case Study in Chapter 3 of your textbook: Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes by Katherine MillerRead and review the Marshall’s Processing Plant Case Study in Chapter 3 of your textbook: Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes by Katherine Miller

For this assignment, read and review the Marshall’s Processing Plant Case Study in Chapter 3 of your textbook: Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes by Katherine Miller. A case study analysis is not merely a descriptive but, as the term itself suggests, a critical exercise, typically an examination of a situation or institution with view towards […]