Discipline: Writing

You are required to first watch the film, Experimenter (2015), directed by Michael Almereyda. In 500 words, respond to the following question: Was Stanley Milgram’s study ethical?You are required to first watch the film, Experimenter (2015), directed by Michael Almereyda. In 500 words, respond to the following question: Was Stanley Milgram’s study ethical?

Question # 1 (75 points) You are required to first watch the film, Experimenter (2015), directed by Michael Almereyda. In 500 words, respond to the following question: Was Stanley Milgram’s study ethical? Your answer must include use of the American Psychological Association’s current code of ethics, which can be found at https://www.apa.org/ethics/code Question # 2 (25 […]

Personal narrative using this quotations “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”Personal narrative using this quotations “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”

Personal narrative using this quotations “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”While responding to the quotation, tell your story. How did this event help you to grow, to achieve some new insight or wisdom, or to overcome some obstacle in your life? Note that this topic/assignment is asking three things of you: (a) […]

Bill Maher is correct and Ted Kyle is wrong. In the United States, we’ve gone from fat acceptance to fat celebration, and we are encouraging obesity.Bill Maher is correct and Ted Kyle is wrong. In the United States, we’ve gone from fat acceptance to fat celebration, and we are encouraging obesity.

Objective:   The purpose of this Assignment is to write a Definition Argument that successfully meets the criteria laid out here  and in any Grading Rubric that your instructor is using.  Step One:  Read and understand the description of the assignment outlined here.  Step Two: Read in your textbook:   “Arguments of Definition”  Step Three:  Any questions? […]

Post for Reflection 4 on Peggy McIntosh, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”Post for Reflection 4 on Peggy McIntosh, “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack”

Describe clearly and convincingly how white privilege is like an invisible knapsack that needs to be unpacked?  How is it invisible? How must it be unpacked? How it it like a knapsack?   How convincing do you find her argument and why?  In the second half of your post, comment on the fact that in her […]

Post for Reflection Presentation 3: Barbara Ehrenreich article, “Serving in Florida”Post for Reflection Presentation 3: Barbara Ehrenreich article, “Serving in Florida”

Identify four specific, needless injustices that entrap someone “serving in Florida,” based on Ehrenreich’s article. For example, one specific, needless injustice is that the supervisors do not tell tip workers of their wage rights. Do not say anything about the cost of living. In a tourist spot like Key West, a high cost of living […]

Project 1 – Category 1: Report on Authoritative and Popular Sources in DisciplineProject 1 – Category 1: Report on Authoritative and Popular Sources in Discipline

Project 1 – Category 1: Report on Authoritative and Popular Sources in Discipline (10%)What to do:For this project you will select two current authoritative sources and two current popular sourcefrom the discipline affiliated with your major or future career and write a report. Your reportshould include the characteristics of these sources—what makes them authoritative, crediblesources […]

Discuss bitemark examinations, document examinations, and microscopic hair examinations and exactly why each is now considered “junk science”.Discuss bitemark examinations, document examinations, and microscopic hair examinations and exactly why each is now considered “junk science”.

Use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept to a minimum, and will be acceptable only as sources for supplementary information. References like “Wikipedia,” “Psychology Today,” and “Court TV” are not primary sources, are not peer reviewed (reviewed for empirical integrity, accuracy, and authenticity), and are not appropriate references for scholarly writing […]

Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout the Army?Why does the number of sexual assaults continue to increase throughout the Army?

– 2 Page Max – Address Issues from the US Army  – Make recommendations on how all leaders at all levels can implement potential solutions FORMAT:  1.) Intro ( 1-2 Paragraphs) A.) Opening Statement  B.) background information  C.) Purpose statement  2.) Body (2-4 paragraphs)  A.) POINT A : Why does sexual assault occur?  B.) POINT […]

Please follow instructions Add paragraph below with 2 scholarly journals references do not change anything below only addPlease follow instructions Add paragraph below with 2 scholarly journals references do not change anything below only add

Add paragraph below with 2 scholarly journals references do not change anything below only add The Significance of Virtual Teams in Project Management In contemporary global business, the emergence of virtual teams is a cornerstone of project execution. Due to the interconnected and globalized nature of businesses, it is necessary to have versatile, efficient, and […]

Reflection #2: Peril and Promise / Reflection #3: Unnatural Causes Bad Sugar / Reflection #4: When the Bough BreaksReflection #2: Peril and Promise / Reflection #3: Unnatural Causes Bad Sugar / Reflection #4: When the Bough Breaks

Health Equity and Social Justice in the U.S. (health science class) Task:  1.      Prepare a 250-word (1 double-spaced page) reflection answering the question that is posed at the end of the case study/scenario. 2.      The writing style is first person reflective, using good grammar, full sentences, and paragraph development Link to use: https://www.kanopy.com/en/lacounty Reflection #2 Prompt: […]