Discipline: Writing

.OSH 2304-19.01.01-1B24-S3, Introduction to Contractor Safety Unit VII Scholarly Activity Unit VII Scholarly Activity.OSH 2304-19.01.01-1B24-S3, Introduction to Contractor Safety Unit VII Scholarly Activity Unit VII Scholarly Activity

Your facility is going through some upgrades, including the construction of a new office and training center, and Acme General Contractors, Inc. is the general contractor who’s been contracted to perform this work. The local OSHA Area Office visited the construction site and found several violations of which the contractor is responsible. Under the multi-employer […]

Summarize an organization’s mission, program services, governance, and financial reporting.Summarize an organization’s mission, program services, governance, and financial reporting.

This assignment assesses the following Course Outcome: HN530-1: Summarize an organization’s mission, program services, governance, and financial reporting. Selected Nonprofit Organization over mental health For this assignment, you are asked to consider your own community and then identify a nonprofit organization that addresses a community need or problem that you are interested in learning more about. […]

What has been the best gift you have ever given to someone? Why was it so special that it stands out in your memory?What has been the best gift you have ever given to someone? Why was it so special that it stands out in your memory?

Write a one-page essay describing your reactions to one of the following topics.  Keep the following instructions in mind.  Each essay should contain a thesis sentence.  You need to devote time to discussing how and why your topic means so much to you—if you write about an experience, don’t merely recount the experience.  Be certain to prove your points […]

Think back in your life to something you did or said that makes you proud. Describe the event, what you did or said, and how your decision impacted your life. OR (second topic in instructions))Think back in your life to something you did or said that makes you proud. Describe the event, what you did or said, and how your decision impacted your life. OR (second topic in instructions))

Narrative Essay Prompt A personal narrative essay relates experiences from your own life using storytelling techniques to draw the reader into a personal event or incident. In 600-800 words, write a narrative essay in response to one of the two following topics: Think back in your life to something you did or said that makes you proud. Describe […]

Reflecting on the Reports and the Creation of the Department of Homeland SecurityReflecting on the Reports and the Creation of the Department of Homeland Security

After reading these reports, are you surprised at the level of information that was known and the predicted threats? Within the context of these reports, what should the government have done differently to be prepared for the 9/11 attacks? And was the creation of DHS the right response to the 9/11 attacks, and are they […]

Argumentative Research Essay about the use of viral technology in education with an annotated bibliographyArgumentative Research Essay about the use of viral technology in education with an annotated bibliography

A. Assignment Guidelines DIRECTIONS: Refer to the list below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until it meets these guidelines. 1. Argumentative Thesis Statement ❒ Have you included a thesis in your introduction includes a clear, arguable stance and supporting reasons? 2. Argument Development ❒ Are all of the details relevant to the […]

your life experiences, why you chose to come back to school, and what you expect to get from your education. Specifically, in this essay you will analyze and evaluate your personal beliefs, goals and expectationsyour life experiences, why you chose to come back to school, and what you expect to get from your education. Specifically, in this essay you will analyze and evaluate your personal beliefs, goals and expectations

In the Personal Essay you will write about your life experiences, why you chose to come back to school, and what you expect to get from your education. Specifically, in this essay you will analyze and evaluate your personal beliefs, goals and expectations, including educational and professional outlook, business and personal encounters and career transformations. The personal […]

How does the habit Win-Win, along with the concepts of inclusivity and diversity, help to grow an organization and help you to increase your growth mindset?How does the habit Win-Win, along with the concepts of inclusivity and diversity, help to grow an organization and help you to increase your growth mindset?

Please reflect on the following in your journal. Stephen Covey’s habit Win-Win is a frame of mind that seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. It encourages us to have consideration and consider other people’s wins as well as our own. We are conditioned to put people in categories. If we can break ourselves of that habit, […]

Challenges people living with disabilities face when going out into the communitiesChallenges people living with disabilities face when going out into the communities

Proposal must be in Power Point  Project Proposal must clearly address each of the 6Ps: The 6 Ps: Patron Population Problem Paradigm Plan Price In addition, please make sure your presentation includes: An Opening Statement AT LEAST 2 of the Paradigm concepts listed on Page 15 of your textbook: Theory, model, methodology, principles. Standards, protocol, […]