Must have at least 2 citations: textbook and the documentary
Textbook: The Real World by Kerry Ferris & Jill Stein
Write a four (4) paragraph paper that specifically addresses the following elements:
1. Social Force (1 Paragraph)
• Define race and explain how it works as a social force in society, including a discussion on the social
construction of race, racial stratification and discrimination.
• Why is it important to understand the impact of race within our criminal justice system?
• When explaining race, use data to support arguments. Data/research can be found in your course
textbook as well as outside class material, such as academic sources, as needed.
2. Summary: (1 Paragraph)
• Summarize the documentary and its main point.• 13th had many powerful images. What images stood out to you the most? Why? Discuss at least two.• What facts impacted you most about the film? What did you find shocking? Discuss at least two.
3. Society & Social Structure: (1 Paragraph)
• While slavery is illegal today, in what ways has the racial hierarchy been maintained? How is thisrelated to our modern prison systems in the United States?• How does media impact people’s values, beliefs and perceptions regarding BIPOC (Black,Indigenous and other People of Color)?
4. Personal Experience & Next Steps: (1 Paragraph)
• Race is socially constructed yet is an extremely powerful axis by which people are grouped, judgedand treated. How do you think racism and discrimination could be reduced in society?• Have you ever been directly affected by the issues discussed in the film regarding the criminaljustice system? If so, how? (Only share if comfortable doing so.)• What are some ways you can be more vigilant (aware) about institutional racism, individual racismand/or privilege?