3 recent news stories that cover mass wasting and/or flooding events that happened anywhere on the planet.

Mass wasting events, the downslope movement of Earth’s material under the influence of gravity, can lead to serious damage to property as well as a significant loss of life, therefore, can have a catastrophic impact on society. For this assignment, I would like you to find 3 recent news stories that cover mass wasting and/or flooding events that happened anywhere on the planet. For each event, write at least one paragraph (4 to 5 complete sentences) summarizing the event. Include:

A description of what took place and where the event happened
Where possible, include in your description the type of mass wasting event that took place as described in the lecture (slump, rockslide, debris flow, or earthflow).
The consequences if any of the event
Who was involved in responding to the event (i.e., Government officials, UN, geologist, EMT, etc.)
What actions were taken in the response.
Provide the source of your information for each event
orities and the Ecuadorian Red Cross responded to the event, providing assistance to the affected population and working to restore access to the blocked river. Source: El Comercio (in Spanish).
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