The student will complete 8 short-answer discussions in this course and 1 long-answer Integrating Faith and Learning discussion. In the thread for each short-answer discussion, the student will post short answers to the prompted questions. The answers must demonstrate course-related knowledge and support their assertions with scholarly citations in the latest APA format. The minimum word count for all short answers cumulatively is 200 words. The minimum word count for Integrating Faith and Learning discussion is 600 words. For each thread the student must include a title block with your name, class title, date, and the discussion forum number; write the question number and the question title as a level one heading (e.g. D1.1 Variables) and then provide your response; use Level Two headings for multi-part questions (e.g. D1.1 & D1.1.a, D1.1.b, etc.), and include a reference section.
Ref: Morgan, G. A., Barrett, K. C., Leech, N. L., & Gloeckner, G. W. (2020).IBM SPSS for Introductory Statistics Use and Interpretation(6th ed.). New York, NY, USA: Routledge
See attached Example: