A Comparative Study on the Economic Development of Shanghai and Singapore during the Covid Period between Jan 2020 and Jan 2023

  1. Cover Page and Title
2. Abstract
3. Acknowledgements
4. Table of Content
5. Chapter 1: Introduction
6. Chapter 2: Literature review and Theoretical Framework
7. Chapter 3: Methodology and Research Method
8. Chapter 4: Findings and analysis
9. Chapter 5: Conclusions and recommendations
10. Reference List  



study will utilize an online questionnaire as the primary data collection tool. The goal is to collect 200 questionnaires. The questionnaire will target business professionals, and will comprise of 30
questions which will cover the areas of economic policy, economic resilience,
and crisis response measures during the Covid-19 period.

questions will be a mix of multiple-choice options and scale-based questions.
Multiple-choice questions will allow respondents to select from four options,
providing a comprehensive range of possible responses. The scale-based
questions will make use of a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly
Agree” to “Strongly Disagree,” to measure the respondents’
perceptions and attitudes towards the crisis management strategies implemented
by Shanghai and Singapore.

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