I was wondering of you could help me write a very important scholarship essay for me. Some of the main points are that I am very commited to school and my education. My major means a lot to me where I currently worl at Kyfb and look forward to being involved even more with Gamma Iota Sigma. The only way that I will be able to pay for college is through scholarships because I grew up poor and need all the help I can get to get my dream job. Some of my goals while attending EKU is to keep my acedemics up and steady so i can do great in school anad focus. I also want to be more involved in EKU. I am wanting to gradute with a RMI degree which is Risk managment and insurance while double majoring in finance and minoriung in sales. I want to eventually get my MBA but that is later down the road. I was involved with EKU this past yuear but want to be even more involved in my 2nd year.
This is most of my things but there is always more. My email is [email protected] if you have questions and I would like this about tomorrow.