A referenced Self narrative on personal lived experience within an educational space (university)

1000 WORDS including references and theory on personal lived experience please see attached of instructions and what needs to be included and also a lecturer example of how the narrative should look like…

my personal narrative topic is how I have returned to education as a mature student , a mother with parental responsibilities to a new born-baby and 3 year old toddler and how I am time managing and attempting to prioritising both, when finishing college I originally enrolled to uni however my mind was everywhere and I was not serious and didn’t know what path to take hence dropping out it was only until after I realised that I want to do something to make my children proud and have something to always fall back the children motivated me to continue and not give up. I have matured and now at a stage in life where I know what I want….

^ this is what I want my personal narrative to be based around

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