MLA format is preferred, but any standardized format is acceptable.MLA format is preferred, but any standardized format is acceptable.MLA format is preferred, but any standardized format is acceptable.
All assignments must be presented in an ordinary style and size font. Italics and boldface are used for emphasis only.All assignments must be presented in an ordinary style and size font. Italics and boldface are used for emphasis only.All assignments must be presented in an ordinary style and size font. Italics and boldface are used for emphasis only.
Do not use a cover page on your assignments.Do not use a cover page on your assignments.Do not use a cover page on your assignments.
Paper Grading Criteria
Papers are graded using the following criteria:
Total points possible…………………………………………………….. 20
Deductions will be made for the following errors. No more than 20 points will be deducted:
Paper not in proper format (cover, readable font, etc.)………… -4
Paper contains 3-10 spelling and grammatical errors………….. -4
Paper contains more than ten spelling or grammar errors…. -20
Paper lacks a thesis…………………………………………………………. -5
Paper does not clearly state thesis at outset……………………….. -2
Paper contains more than one thesis…………………………………. -2
Paper needs some additional citation……………………………..-4
Paper significantly fails to cite sources where needed……….. -20
Paper lacks a genuinely controversial thesis……………………… -3
Paper lacks cogent argument that supports thesis……………… -6
Paper lacks answers to counterexamples and objections…….. -4
Paper does not define terms used…………………………………….. -1
Paper does not include a synopsis of issue………………………… -3
Paper uses inappropriate topic or unapproved thesis…………. -4
Paper offers superficial arguments (lacks detail)………………… -4
Paper contains factual inaccuracies………………………………….. -2
Paper lacks needed research……………………………………………. -4Paper Grading Criteria
Papers are graded using the following criteria:
Total points possible…………………………………………………….. 20