A summary report explaining and critiquing (drawing on theories and models) your approach to reflective practice in a role/experience in an education setting, and a statement of current Personal and Professional Learning and Development Goals and Actions

Introduction and rationale
Focus of assignment, context and rationale clearly defined

Research aims and research questions
Statement of current personal and professional learning and development goals.

Appropriate critique of your approach to reflective practice in a role in an education setting

Findings of the literature review
Evidence of understanding, depth of reading, critical analysis, development of argument and academic engagement

Conclusions and Implications
Substantiated conclusions, implications, and recommendations

Cover Page, Table of Contents, Page numbering, Line spacing, Appendices (if it is necessary), Font consistency, Separation of paragraphs.

Harvard referencing
Citations and reference list according to the Harvard referencing guide.

2)Research Aims and Questions
3) Methodology
4)Literature Review
5) Personal reflective practice
5) Conclusions and Implications”
you might like to look at this also Çavuşoğlu, C. (2022) Rethinking reflection in teaching and teacher education: A review of the existing frameworks and a proposal for an alternative terminology”

Instructions for rewriting: 
Ensure I have met the brief of the assignment, according to the rubric provided above. 
Fix and improve any referencing where needed.
Add any more information, based on the instructors feedback, especially the methodology.

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