- Watch the following Mental Madhouse documentary (if you are unable to watch it here, the link has been provided seperately beneath this assignment).The video is approximaely an hour long and some images may be disturbing.
After watching the documentary please write a two (2)-three (3) paragraph …NO LONGER THAN THAT…reflection about what you saw in the video. Specifically, your reflection should include a discussion addressing the following:
-What was your initial reaction to watching the video? What emotions did the video arouse in you?
-What information from the video stood out to you the most and why?
– In what way do you think the information presented in the video related to the concepts discussed in chapter 1?
– Did the video increase your understanding of how mental illness was viewed in the past? Did it change your perspective in any way yes, no, and why)?
Guidelines for Submission of assignment:
-Please write in your own words.
-Please DO NOT exceed 3 paragraphs to complete this assignment
-Each paragraph should be about 5 to 6 sentences. A bit longer is acceptable as long as it is meaningful content.
-The paper must follow APA format (i.e. cover page (with your name, course, etc.), Times New Roman font size 12, and double spaced).