***Rubric is attached
• The final paper should be approximately 10-15 pages in length, double-spaced with
1-inch margins.
In addition, the following guidelines apply:
• Select an economics of health topic that is of interest to you and is narrow enough to
allow you to cover it in depth. Topic selection one of the most important components
of the process, and you should expect the process to involve preliminary reading.
Your paper should involve the analysis of an important, well-defined topic in health
economics. If you have any question regarding your topic, please contact me as soon
as possible.
• The paper should conform to an acceptable style and be thoroughly and correctly
documented through the use of references, endnotes, or footnotes.
• The paper outline submitted should be fairly detailed. I will examine the outline and
provide feedback. Thus, the outline is an opportunity to obtain formal feedback prior
to turning in the final paper. Suggested Paper Outline: 1. Title (or Topic), 2.
Introduction and Statement of the Problem (specific questions that will be addressed,
why the topic is important, how you plan to approach the problem), 3. Review of the
Relevant Literature, 4. Analysis, Interpretation, Arguments, 5. Conclusions and
Recommendations to Policy Makers.
In addition, the following advice taken from Santerre and Neun (2004), authors of Health
Economics: Theories, Insights, and Industry Studies, should be heeded:
• A good paper must have a well-developed thesis or hypothesis. A thesis is a position,
or proposition, that you intend to substantiate or prove with theory and facts. A strong
research paper must be well-researched. Although it is difficult to establish the exact
number of references a good paper usually cites, it is difficult to imagine a good paper
with less than ten sources. When you do your research be sure to access textbooks,
books, economic journals, current periodicals and newspapers.
• Begin your paper with an INTRODUCTION. It should be approximately two pages
in length and its purpose is to outline what you intend to accomplish in the paper. A
clear concise statement of your hypothesis is a must. The importance of the question
or hypothesis should be made clear at this point. (Perhaps, some telling statistics
bearing on the issue can be cited.) In addition, briefly explain your methodology and
conclusions at the end of this section. Remember, you are not writing a mystery
novel, so don’t be afraid to tell the reader what you intend to accomplish and how you
intend to do it.
• The second section, LITERATURE REVIEW, provides a review, synthesis and
critique of the previous literature surrounding the hypothesis under investigation. You
should explain how your paper fits in with the previous literature and discuss the
novelty of your contribution. This section should be about three pages long.
be the main body of the paper, and it is here where you specify and develop your
arguments to substantiate your thesis. You should draw on the economic theory and
empirical findings discussed in class, or which you uncovered during your research
from prior studies, to provide the theoretical underpinnings for your argument. It is
very important that you logically develop your arguments so you do not contradict
yourself. It is equally important that you are careful in the use of theory. The worst
mistake you can make is to misrepresent known theory. Finally, if assumptions are
needed then be bold – make them! When you write this section avoid using the first
person. You are trying to persuade the reader based upon economic theory and
empirical evidence, and not upon your personal convictions. A paper which states ‘I
think’ this or ‘I feel’ that is too personal and emotional. Try to convince the reader
based upon the strength of your arguments and not your personal beliefs. This section
should be about five pages long.
• The last section of the paper is the CONCLUSION and should be about two pages
in length. Here you sum up the arguments and discuss the (policy) implications of
your research.
Following is a list of the most common problems found on former student papers.
Points will be deducted from your grade if your paper has these problems:
1. Each paragraph should have a distinct message with a main sentence that includes the
main point of the paragraph.
2. The economic relevance of the issue should be made explicit and should be an
underlying theme that runs throughout the paper.
3. Check for grammar and spelling errors. Do not rely exclusively on software to do
this for you.
4. Be careful about matching verbs and plural/singular nouns.
5. Do not use contractions.
6. Be careful about words that sound the same…there/their, led/lead, affect/effect