- Identify an aspect of educational practice in your setting that you feel demonstrates creative teaching and/ or teaching for creativity and subject it to critical scrutiny in the form of a report with a view to making recommendations for the successful development of this practice.
- You will base this report on the educational setting that you work for, or if you are not currently working, an educational setting of your choice: preferably a previous employer or one where you have or could access / gain sufficient knowledge.
- The overarching aim of this work is to execute a refined, but succinct, piece of coursework that observes, critiques, analyses, and evaluates an approach to teaching creatively and/ or teaching for creativity in your educational context, supported by theory.
- The assessment must make recommendations for further development (and possibly expansion) of this practice that must be fully justified in regard to value and impact on student learning.
an approach to teaching creatively and/ or teaching for creativity in your educational context, supported by theory.
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