when you make a disertation, do you use reference all the time ?
A standard structure that we have found helpful is:
1. Acknowledgements
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction: Aims and Objectives
4. Literature Review
5. Methodology
6. Findings
7. Conclusion
8. Recommendations
9. Appendices
10. Bibliography
Title :
An evaluation of the effectiveness of implementing ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.) support strategies to help students in UK primary schools.
1. Acknowledgements
2. Executive Summary
3. Introduction (Interesting fact) 1200 words
4. Literature Review. Theory of ADHD. Causes / Sins and Symptoms / types.
5. Methodology: Evaluate effectiveness of current policies for ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.) at schools in uk
– Treatment
– Managing Symptoms
– Get Help
Finding : Make recommendation to improve the effectiveness of currents policies at UK schools /
6. the performance of students in UK school / impact
7. Recommendation to improve strategies to help performance
1. To conduct a literature review, explain key theories of ADHD.
2. Analyse current strategies used at Primary Schools in United Kingdom.
3. Evaluate effectiveness of current strategies at Primary school in United Kingdom
4. Make recommendation to improve effectiveness of current strategies in the Primary schools in United Kingdom