analysis of a intercultural communication phenomenon, issue, practice, or historical example of your choice

In a 4-6 page double-spaced paper, with a minimum of *three sources*, you will present an analysis of a intercultural communication phenomenon, issue, practice, or historical example of your choice. You should apply theory and/or other course concepts to the subject that you intend to analyze. Specifically, you should look to the range of topics, theories, and discussions we have had over the course of the class to see how culture, communication, and their intersections are explored, presented, negotiated, structured, or reinforced via your chosen example or subject matter This is not a report but an argumentative essay, meaning you will be expected to not just explain what the subject of your topic is about but, more importantly, discuss how its operation, construction, or engagement with audiences can be viewed through a specific intercultural communication analytical lens. For example, you could look at media coverage and rhetoric of immigration in the US. You could talk about the growing interconnectivity that globalization has meant for people from different cultures and countries. You can talk about how easy access to media from other cultures has resulted in a tremendous about of intercultural content becoming part of broader pop culture consumption practices (like the Korean TV show Squid Game, for example). These are just a few topical suggestions, but there are many more options you can choose from.

Base your topic on the attached files below, If you need any guidance dont hesitate to reach out !

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