Analyze from an historical point of view gender related issues women faced individually and collectively: consider examples of oppression, laws, rights, and leadership (any progressive ideas?)
When I refer to historical point of view, this means the point of view of that historical time period. So this is not your point of view. Draw some conclusions perhaps of what individuals thought during the time periods you have been studying and learning about.
Suggested organization:
1 Paragraph on individual issues women faced
1 paragraph on issues that women faced collectively
****this should be a minimum of 2 full paragraphs that is 1 full page (not beginning paper far down the page and ending paper before the end of the page, therefore begin at the top 1-inch margin and end at the bottom 1-inch margin)
- Do not use any outside sources.
- Do your own thinking and writing. Do not collaborate in order to avoid plagiarism. Any similarity over 30% may result in a zero. Stay off the Internet.