– Use attached files as souces!!!
Grading Rubric for Essays(each criterion weighted equally)
– Content: A thought provoking thesis, analysis that demonstrates critical and analytical thinking, avoidance of generalizations that are not supported by evidence
– Evidence: Specific examples that support your conclusions, use of all the required readings and class dialogue, question answered thoroughly.
– Organization: A focused thesis, a coherent progression of ideas, focused paragraphs with topic sentences and effective transitions, an insightful conclusion that accurately sums up the main ideas
– Presentation Techniques: maps, charts, tables etc. to enhance the main arguments, generally free of mechanical errors (run-ons, appropriate verb usage, etc.)
– Citations: All required reading used and cited including textbooks and articles assigned in Canvas and the primary sources(1/3 of content), class discussions and lecture cited (1/3 of content), your interpretation and analysis (1/3 of content). Grading Rubric for Essays(each criterion weighted equally)