- The essay should be at least 800 words in length.
- You must create an original title.
- You must have a strong, argumentative thesis statement that clearly lays out what you will discuss in your paper.
- You should support your thesis with textual analysis and evidence from the text (quotes).
- Include proper MLA citations and Works Cited page.
- Write in the formal 3rd person.
Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
Be sure to double space the entire paper.
Include an MLA-style header in the top left corner and running page numbers in the margins.
Option 1: Answer the question of whether a character from one of the stories is round or flat AND static or dynamic, giving proof for each assertion. Also, what is their motivation for action/behavior?
Make sure that your central argument is supportable and debatable: pick something that will be interesting to prove. For instance, do not argue that “The Storm” is a story about a woman having an affair. Instead, you might claim that it should be read as a critique of the institution of marriage; should be read as a critique about patriarchal expectations for women; should be read as a psychological examination of a character incapable of resisting temptation, etc.
Use the text. Successful analysis of fiction or any literary work depends on skillful evaluation of how the text creates meaning. Your insight matters, but it should be insight derived from analysis of textual evidence. Note: this is not a research paper. I am much more interested in your personal analysis of a text and original ideas.