Annotation Assignment: Persuasion through Evidence.
Question 1: Claim should be clearly stated with adequate support. Consider other perspectives when making your position, and clearly show why you believe your position is more logical, sensible, useful, or appealing than the opposition’s viewpoint.
Instruction for annotation and summary
Research, annotate an article and summarize a persuasive argument related to your research
topic. You will provide a summary or at least 300 words, as well outling the questions listed
Summary Question to address (Please clearly label your summary and place it after your APA style reference for your article):
Question 1: What was the claim that this author made?
Question 2: Was it persuasive/accurate? If so, how so. If not, why not? Consider things such as: how might the creditability of the author play a role? How might the creditability of the sourcing used play a role?
Question 3: THINK BIG PICTURE HERE: Overall, what final observations can you make regarding your journey with your research topic? Consider questions such as: is your perspective the
same? Why or why not? Did you have obstacles to overcome? what were they and how did you overcome them? Did you think Creatively? Curiously? Knowledgeably? Open-mindedly?
Remember that you need the full APA style reference as well.