Applied Project Product: Develop a couse to help students understand race, class, and ethicnity for social emotional learning

Using your applied project proposal as a basis for your final project, your goal is to further develop your research ideas, mini courses, developmentally appropriate programs or practices, etc. into a more detailed product. It is expected that your final Applied Project Product will be significantly more detailed than what you submitted for the proposal, although you do not have to develop all of the content for the product. The aim of this project is to help you thoughtfully apply the principles and activities involved in human development so that you know how to approach education and teaching from a scientific and developmentally appropriate perspective. A second goal is goal is to help you apply research (and evaluate this research) to child and adolescent development in a way that benefits practice (your own or that of others). Based on your proposals, your projects will take a variety of different forms. As such, concise guidelines are difficult.

Using your applied project proposal as a basis for your final project, your goal is to further develop your research ideas, mini courses, developmentally appropriate programs or practices, etc. into a more detailed product. It is expected that your final Applied Project Product will be significantly more detailed than what you submitted for the proposal, although you do not have to develop all of the content for the product. The aim of this project is to help you thoughtfully apply the principles and activities involved in human development so that you know how to approach education and teaching from a scientific and developmentally appropriate perspective. A second goal is goal is to help you apply research (and evaluate this research) to child and adolescent development in a way that benefits practice (your own or that of others). Based on your proposals, your projects will take a variety of different forms. As such, concise guidelines are difficult.Nevertheless, all papers/products should contain some components broadly organized into each of the three sections below and all papers/products must include an APA formatted reference list:
 Introduction (15%): All projects –mini-courses, program proposals, research papers, etc. – should include a brief introduction to the issue or topic being addressed, including some empirical evidence that the topic or issue is relevant and important for youth development. This section should conclude with the concise purpose of the paper/project. Your statement of purpose should clearly state what you aim to do with your project (e.g., provide a mini course on social-emotional development for high school teachers; conduct an extensive literature review on the links between engagement in sports and learning; propose a new youth identity development program for a school district, etc.). It will also be important to clearly address your audience (e.g., parent board, principal, director of the NIMH, etc.) in this section. If you are putting together a PowerPoint, this might be 1 slide; if you are putting together a lesson plan, this might be a paragraph.
• Content (60%): This section will vary tremendously by format. For those doing a traditional research project, this will contain a literature review of the different elements of the argument (e.g., a section describing different perspectives on what physical activity looks like in middle schoolers; a section on physical activity engagement among middle schoolers; a section on whether/how physical activity is linked with memory/cognition; a section on whether/how physical activity is linked with achievement). You will want to highlight aspects of what we already know on your topic of interest (and its importance) and make note of what we do not yet know. I encourage you to present your own suggestions and critiques based on what you have learned from your readings and research and consider next steps in the area, which you will summarize in a discussion or conclusion.For those doing a mini-course, your lesson plan should contain clear instructions for teachers or administrators. You will also want to make the objectives of the lesson clear and note the materials needed (if any). I recommend breaking down the lesson into sections with recommended timing and clear instructions about what to do during Foundations of Human Development for Education – Summer 2023 activities, when appropriate. If there are supplemental materials needed for your lesson, I recommend including those as well. Essentially, I should be able to implement your lesson plan from the product you turn in.For those developing a proposal for a school board or parent group (or any other group), this section should include details not just of what you are proposing but why and how the plan would be implemented in schools, districts, etc. You should include a clear description of the resources needed to carry out this proposal (e.g., staff, money, time, space, etc.) so that your audience can clearly evaluate whether it is something they can do. You should convince your audience to fund/support your idea. This can take the form of a PowerPoint presentation (or some other creative presentation) or it can be a traditional paper format if you prefer.

Conclusion/Summary (20%): This section should bring everything together, providing a concise summary of the take-aways from your paper/project. For a literature review, this will clearly be a summary of your findings and conclusions and should include some recommendations for next steps in the research area or in the research to practice arena. For mini-courses, this should include exactly what learning outcomes should have occurred during the course and might also include recommendations for implementation or next steps for teachers/practitioners. For proposals, this might include the key take- away points of your proposal and a set of recommendations for what to do next.References (5%): All projects, regardless of the type, must include an APA formatted reference list. Please utilize book and online sources for APA format to ensure that your references are correct (see syllabus for APA sources). I am not going to provide a minimum number of references because you should be including the references that help you build the strongest paper or project you can. That might be 5 papers and it might be 25 papers.

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