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Write a 2 page reflection paper. Use the following discussion questions to develop your paper:
 Identify influences in your past that have shaped your view of food or your eating habits.
These may include cultural, environmental, or social factors, as well as influential family
members. How have these influenced your current eating patterns, weight, and health
 Discuss your healthy and unhealthy eating habits and how these habits developed.
 Identify emotions or relationships in the past that may have contributed to the formation
of your current eating habits.
 Identify your preferences in tastes and foods that you enjoy. Do you see any connections
with past influences?
 Do you think your past may influence or shape how you perceive the public you will be
working with? Explain.
Use 3 references (one can be a textbook used in this class, the other two must be scholarly
sources from peer reviewed journals) to substantiate your experiences. In other words, what
does the literature say influences food intake and how does that apply to you? Citations must be
in current AMA format.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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