Apply a selected historical or geographical concept from the
Australian Curriculum/relevant state-based syllabus or framework,
to a socially significant issue.
Task Instructions:
Create a written 1000 – 1200-word (excluding reference list) essay in response to the following question:
‘Good neighbours learn to speak each other’s languages. Good neighbours learn to respect each other’s religious and cultural beliefs. Good neighbours learn to allow for differences and to be inclusive. Good neighbours spend time with each other.’
Sir Peter Cosgrove, National Statement for Engaging Young Australians with Asia in Australian Schools (2006).
Critically evaluate the effectiveness of cultures-based education in HaSS to enable students to be ‘good neighbours’. In your response, you must refer to recent academic literature; and a HaSS strand from the Australian Curriculum.
Assessment criteria:
Extent & quality of research and depth of critical understanding about cultures education in the HaSS discipline.
Effective use of evidence in the argument
Critical use of sources including national / state-based curricula, academic journals and texts
Organization & structure including introduction & conclusion
Clarity of written expression and coherence of the ideas presented
Grammar, punctuation, spelling, proof-reading.
Referencing to APA 7th Edition standards and style.
Things to Consider:
Your response is to be 1000 – 1200 words in length not including references.
You are engaging with appropriate literature including national/state curricula, academic journals and
texts to support your argument.
You have a coherent and sustained argument throughout your response.
- Referencing format is APA 7th Ed
Australian Curriculum: HaSS F-6
https://www.australiancurriculum.edu.au/f-10-curriculum/humanities- and-social-sciences/hass/
NESA (2012) NSW History K-10 Syllabus
https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k- 10/learning-areas/hsie/history-k-10
NESA (2015) NSW Geography K-10 Syllabus
https://educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/k- 10/learning-areas/hsie/geography-k-10